
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

While I was playing the game casually last year, the temperature was just a number on a screen and very easy to miss. Yeah you start to notice the ice to melt, but even if some of the deniers would play, it would not be on their radar.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Joku levittää pornoa mainostaululla, etkä näe siinä mitään vikaa?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The beginning of Saving Private Ryan is the only part worth to watch. It's pretty meh afterwards.

[–] [email protected] -4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

surely the ww3 will ramp up before bird sneezes spread


Oletko valmistautunut mitenkään? Mukavasti taas saadaan vuodenvaihteen sesonkimatkailut käyntiin ja ihmiset liikkeelle. Onkohan täällä viime pandemiasta opittu mitään, kun siitäkin on jo niin pitkä aika...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I think there's a reason why jagex blacklists new content from the coffers nowadays. Sad that that loophole got patched.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Yeah I think going to barrows to might be a decent option as you're guaranteed to get decently priced dupes as well.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

Well that's a nice one you only ever need one and decently common.


I've recently played on my ironman and it's still at the early game so not a lot of big drops to fill deaths coffer with. Do you have any sort of a favorite thing to fill it with ironman or otherwise?

I've been using sort of niche items like mature kegs and grand seed pods, but would like to hear some other early attainable stuff people use.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 months ago

It's bit of both. 七輪 can mean seven rings, but more often it refers to the grill. Just as 五輪 can mean 5 rings, but it also means the olympics.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 6 months ago

Kanji Study app on android, 30 minutes a day has worked for me. Costs $ 50 though.

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