I think it is more of a hard fork after the embargo
Thanks for your perspective on the admin and overhead cost on charities, I clearly does not know as much in the area.
The main concern I have with WBR, from the information provided in the article, is that there are already cheaper bikes (Black Mamba) and LBS in those areas. W/ Black Mamba I am not sure what the Buffalo is gonna solve. The LBS' perspective is quite interesting, that WBR wants to build their own "ecosystem" for Buffalo bike repairs and exclude the LBS. It is just weird how they operate.
I have no doubt the S2 is a good bike for its role, but there are a lot more nuance to WBR's projects in Africa...
Well a motor can provide instant torque at stand still, but an engine would have way lower power at low RPM and the transmission is inefficient when starting
That's world tour level power output. No one need more than that to get up the hills
Abstract = 摘要 (summary) or 抽象 (Abstract concepts etc.)
In 抽象,抽 = Pumping (suck), 象 = Elephant
Hmm, wouldn't the virt manager just be a frontend and communicate with the virtd socket though?
Wouldn't you have a massive advantage if you ride an Aerobike and wear Lycra in this championship 😂
Their website actually provides a list of venders and I found 2 in my city! Maybe you can buy from an LBS as well!
Those stickers look sick, I hope I can get some non conspicuous ones for my bike
Wikipedia says they eat enough as caterpillars and do not eat as adults
450 for a helmet? Doesn't make sense if there are way cheaper but just as safe options...