She's toxic as hell, but I love all the wacky things you can do with Isolde.
I took a screenshot of Omega, a free online dueling simulator. It's kind of like duelingbook or edopro if you've ever used those.
Sure! Welcome aboard.
Heroes are always very cool, and 245 is honestly pretty cheap nowadays.
Mathmech could be another option maybe? I didn't do my own price list like you did, but a lot of the lists here look decently competitive: Kurikara and Thrust are the biggest expenses, and I feel like both are helpful but not mandatory.
Unfathomably based
Hmm, good question. A deck that I would call "straightforward" is Floowandereeze . . . but I'm not sure you'll make many friends at locals if you play it!
Maybe try Swordsoul or Gold Pride? Swordsoul generally sets up two powerful synchros as an end board and feels strong but fair to play against. Gold Pride is just a cool deck with fun thematics that can still flex its muscles a bit.
Thanks for the feedback! I definitely haven't done a good job of keeping up with competitive news (or really yu-gi-oh news in general), but you can expect that to change at least a little bit - I'm planning to post a lot of content about the World Championship.
Broken for me. Was working last night but has started throwing up the error again now
That's super cool! I'd love it if you made a post about the OG manga - I think lots of people would be interested in your thoughts on the series