What a heartbreaking story :(
That is actually an excellent point! I'm imagining a Lydia from Skyrim who would actually comment on your actual quest progression without just resorting to canned responses.
While I'm sure there will be a lot of false starts with this tech and it will take a while to iron out the kinks, I've been waiting for something like this for a long time. This will probably be similar to the switch from small, limited world maps in games to expansive open-worlds. It's going to be a massive boost to immersion and will probably lead to some hilarious bugs/unexpected behaviours. Can't wait!
Yeah, I think it was. That sounds cool, I love crow bros
Yeah, I've seen some huge Ravens by Bunsen lake too
Is it just the camera angle, or Is that crow huge?
It's cool as long as they say "no homo" first
Venom is canon in the Star Wars universe?!
From what my friend told me about Saudi Arabia, they have a similar mindset. With their extreme puritanical outlet, meeting women is near impossible. Being a top isn't considered being gay, but being a bottom is considered disgraceful.
The mental gymnastics, my god.
Doggo on the left is like: :3
This is just the kind of nonsense I come to Lemmy for while drinking my first cup of coffee * chef's kiss *
Thank heavens for your unhealthy posting habits, we need to clone you Stamets