Shouldn't we wait for lab tests before determining that?
Squish the hamster
I'm also interested in this
Yeah, I'm mostly curious if additionally to the therapeutic benefits of overcoming trauma or changing beliefs, the benefits of neuroplasticity might overcome some of the "freezing" effects of aging as described in the article
As somebody that's turning 40 in 2024, well, that's terrifying.
The study mentions that global connectivity actually rises as you age. Since many studies suggest that one of the major effects of psychedelics like psilocybin is to increase neural connectivity and even induce some neuroplasticity, I wonder how that would play out in an older brain?
Edit: added second paragraph
More like otterable, amirite?
lol, can't disagree
Right? I'm hoping he clarifies what he's talking about.
Honestly, this is part of a broader trend of enshittification sweeping the Internet these days. It's not just spez, it's any SV bro from the current crop of technology companies. I think this is a lesson worth remembering for all of us who took the freedom and magic of the Internet for granted.