I really liked the story telling but I didn’t like the ending.
Regular expressions
I think it can be done with far less travel. One can observe the length of a shadow of an object with a known height at solar noon for a year. Then travel north by car for half a day and observe the length of shadow. Then travel south by car for half a day and observe the length. You can actually use these measurements not only to demonstrate that you aren’t on a flat plane, but also to estimate the radius of the earth.
I have a better idea. Define piracy as profiting off of the creative work of another without compensation. Piracy for personal use is theft only in the amount it was offered for sale. For torrenting it could be argued you have stolen 1 copy plus your seed ratio. However, lots of content isn’t even available for legal purchase, only subscription for viewing. Owning a copy of this content is not piracy because it did not interfere with the sale of the item (since it’s not offered for sale). Therefore, an act of media preservation is theft by this definition, but the amount or value of that theft is $0, because it’s not currently offered for sale.
I did not. Foolishly I got rid of my balance board after some years of no use.
If you can find an old working Wii Fit Balance Board you can use it as a very accurate Bluetooth scale.
Looks like the game World of Goo
This song has a cool outro that was closely emulated in Dirty Magic by The Offspring.
Mushrooms are interesting. They generally have no caloric value raw. When cooked they have protein and various vitamins and minerals, but no carbohydrates. Mushrooms cell walls are made of chitin (like the exoskeletons of arthropods), which means you can’t really overcook mushrooms - they never get softer or less chewy than when they’re fully cooked.
Some mushrooms taste pretty good, those are called “choice” in mushroom hunting books. The giant puffball is not really described as “choice”, rather it’s edible and absorbs the flavors of what it’s cooked with. Many mushroom foragers bring in big hauls, as it’s kind of an all or nothing thing. I once harvested about 8 lbs (3.5 kg) of chanterelles, but I would hardly say they “fed my family”. Rather, they were a nice addition to several meals. Not sure what the point of this article is, other than to throw a warning about poisonous mushrooms.
Block what you don’t like to see. Block users who you don’t like. Doesn’t matter which instance you’re on.
I don’t drink water. I fill my tea kettle from the tap, as chlorine evaporates rapidly and completely from hot water. I usually drink two pints this way (one coffee and one herbal tea), and I drink a can of fizzy water at lunch, and maybe a beer with dinner.
The rich don’t care about money, they care about capital. They want to own every house, automobile, factory, and natural resources. Money is a very temporary store of value so more assets can be purchased.