can you get fined for saying a word in a country with the first amendment? how dumb is this even if what she did was wrong its not illegal to say the N word. The assault however she should get in legal trouble for.
I'm just sick of assholes like you, and dont have any patience for morons on the internet. you don't know shit about me other than I dont like you.
My day is amazing though, been hanging out with my wife and the weather is wonderful. I wish you the worst.
I dont doubt it tbh
Youbgave any info on the editor, obviously I've seen how he orders the videos on youtube, bu beyond that?
Asmongold is not worth anyone's time, hes an example of what is wrong in society in 2024.
😆 lol keep talking, I bet you were even a mod on reddit
I thought people here could use their brain and we didn't need "/s" but i guess you guys are just redditors at the end of the day so it makes sense.
Yeah i was being kinda facetious and ironic but it doesn't translate to text. Knew someone would get all hurt by it though.
Inwish i could control spotify from winamp man
Can we "eat" him then? Make it a big ol dinner party everyone invited.