Oh man I can feel your frustration with over cooked then lmao I worked in group home for devopmentally disabled people and one of the residents made me play wii bowling with him every single day for years lmao
joined 2 years ago
I actually bought the game because I really like what remedy does, other wise I've ignored epic completely. I dont blame anyone who pirates it, game was AWESOME and the more that play it the better.
Man I wish I had it on GoG or steam though.
Man i love remedy so I'm excited for this.
I assume she's tried stardew already? If not the coop on that is great
He could just be a big Ariana Grande fan.
"It looks like you're jerking off two giraffes"
He posted pictures of it but maybe I dint really remember
Half his audience are alt lite incels tbf
He's affiliated with that other channel fyi
That guy on reddit has competition
The part about the counter on the ball still hits
Because we as men are dumb.