I'd be perfectly happy with this answer if the only states proposing this "for the children!" nonsense weren't deep red racist bigot states that want ro police women across state borders.
If red states are doing something I want to do the opposite.
I'd be perfectly happy with this answer if the only states proposing this "for the children!" nonsense weren't deep red racist bigot states that want ro police women across state borders.
If red states are doing something I want to do the opposite.
and some Dengue herbs and spices π·
Then it'll be used for targetted application, which is even worse.
Then let parents deal with it. This conservative "for the chillldrun" talking point always ends in cons trying to take us back to 1750.
This is some Red State nanny government shit. This os a foot in the door for neonazis to control Internet access.
They hate when we share organization dates and information.
This won't work in the US because we NEED some sort of national health care system first.
We'll be shoveling money into medical debt even with UBI.
This utter fuckhead is Bibi Netanyahu's current best friend.
I like eye candy ππΊ
I also like defeating a Big Eldrich Bad, and a touch of exploration and discovery. Controls can be complex but they have to be intuitive and not rely on real-time battle, or just be manageable.
My favorite games ever are the Final Fantasy series, esp. VII. Also liked Legacy of Kain, Castlevania I and II, and the earliest Tomb Raider games.
Loved Lord of the Rings Online, Aion, exploring in WoW but my bandwidth won't support MMOs anymore.
( o Y o )
not used to this sort of thing actually formatting correctly lol
Sumos ripe for the picking! Sumo ice cream and tarts coming right up
I don't they they intended for like ten elected nazis to withhold the paychecks of like 3 million people
bUt ThEn yOu cAn't sEe evEryOnE's SmilE alL Day