I had a great experience with Ubuntu as a Linux first timer. Still using it 5 years later!
Thanks for sharing this! I had no idea
Agreed. It's been common throughout history for people to live on only beer and water for a few weeks at a time.
I imagine you could survive at least a few months on doppelbock if you were in good health beforehand.
Diablo 2 Resurrected. Rolling a new character as Sony decided I needed to pay for online access to play my other character.
Fuck that. I only do single player. I'll just make a new one!
Yup, my only laptop is a 10+ year old ThinkPad. Does everything I need it to do perfectly
Another fucking UAW W
Same here. Biden has given me hope they actually will.
Instead of the usual Dem capitulation to shitty R demands, he's told them to get stuffed.
This seems unprecedented in modern history.
We have an inequality problem masking as a gun problem. We have a mental health crisis masking as gun problem.
Hard agree. People would not be killing themselves in droves if these issues weren't present.
We have a shitload of guns in this country. Nothing is going to change that.
While I think we do need more strict gun ownership laws, they're not going to change the amount already in people's hands. Nor will they make people less miserable.
What we need are tangible improvements in people's lives. Improved wages. Lower housing costs. Affordable healthcare. Quality, free treatment for addiction.
These are the things that will keep people from killing themselves.
I am in a similar situation with my guns. I have two antique long guns. They're locked up, in the crawl space, and I don't keep any ammo in my house.
I have depression and I don't trust myself not to use my guns to kill myself. For me, the inconvenience of accessing them and obtaining ammo feels like a safe compromise.
I agree that this is an enormous problem with no easy solutions.
STOKED for this! I loved Fury Road
After how successful Fury Road was, I have a hard time believing Miller would make a CGI heavy movie.
That's my hope anyway. I love Fury Road.
Kinky people who want 3+ people involved