~~Community created at [email protected], if you make a post in the community I can mod you~~ edit: since it seems like youre just going to look for mods anyways ill just handle it for now and make something for it in the community adoption community
Theres nothing coded in lemmy to do that, just something someone probably said as a joke.
I found the comment you were referring to and it was due to the article not being visible outside certain countries (I assume its just visible in the US and Canada since I can see it here in Canada)
For another country:
Yeah its not ideal but its due to this being a feature programmed in the lemmy backend but not the lemmy frontend (I had to manually do http calls to get things hidden). In the new frontend im making for the instance itll be much more apparent that a community is hidden rather than just having no posts
Ill see if I can get it working better with various aspects like that as well while developing
Ok I might be semi misunderstanding what your rss reader does by what youre saying but ill go through everything that happens with this feature
For anything relating to rss readers im using fluent reader as that is what I use
Typical Behaviour (In P.D)
When someone navigates to a community in programming.dev and the community is hidden they are shown this
With the no posts text appearing on the left but the stats on the right having posts
Then when they subscribe to that community they are shown this
With all of the posts now appearing
RSS Feed behaviour
When you look at a community page initially (either from manually going to it or getting sent to it by some other thing) you get the same view as in the default behaviour
if you then right click on the rss symbol beside the post sort dropdown and click copy link you get a link to the rss feed for that community
If you then add that link to your reader it will show posts in it
In terms of getting to the content, direct links to posts still work while the community is hidden
if your rss reader just navigates to the community link and doesnt do anything else no posts will show no. You would need to subscribe within the reader that case (although all of them should support the rss post feed)
From when I tested it rss feeds still gave the exact same posts ignoring the fact communities were hidden (since rss feeds arent tied to what happens on the site at all). What rss reader are you using, I can check
RSS feeds arent affected by this, hidden communities being hidden is handled by the UI and things that dont take that into account still see posts as normal
snowe was running into issues before getting other frontends to run but if that gets sorted out we can look into adding some alternative frontends (and we'll have to sort it out eventually to get a beta version of pangora up before it becomes the default UI)
it still 99% of time can point you towards someone (or severely limit the options and you can track them down from that) assuming its not common enough of one and its still something that uniquely separates people even without that. (And from the username here people can look up the user on reddit and then look up their post history for info on them as well)
‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person; (GDPR Art. 4)
an online identifier
Not a lawyer so I cant fully speak on it but I would rather err on the side of caution when dealing with this sort of thing until I get actual legal confirmation otherwise specific to our site and this
Platforms like discord (and reddit) need to anonymize the messages when someone deletes their account by assigning it to a generic deleted user thats used for everyone
Will respond to both of your message here
Starting with the one at the top. GDPR encompases more than just PII. The messages themselves are mostly not covered but usernames are (as its a unique identifier that distinguishes one person from another (and if you want to go in terms of PII it can be used to easily identify a person as well)) as well as misc information that might be in the messages (e.g. if someone says they work for X company or says their actual name)
If you can make it so none of the messages you post are affected by that (every message posted is done by the same user, messages are filtered to remove any with personal data) (and optimally also get approval of the OP) then I would be more inclined to accept it (but up to the discretion of the mods of the community, not a site wide approval). Sure I can revise it to the 25% rule, ill make it 25% with a max
they do an allowlist rather than a blocklist (defederate with everyone by default, explicitly allow certain ones). the two were removed from their allowlist
The JavaScript singleton no longer exists in Godot 4. Instead theres something called JavaScriptBridge. Docs about it here: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/export/exporting_for_web.html#calling-javascript-from-script but havent used it before so cant give more than that