That ist something I ask myself, too. It's so irritating, having to decline all these greasy fingered little fuckers one-by-one. That is just a way for me, nowadays, to delete the app completely.
Stimmt. Anders sieht es bei Hosen mit Löchern aus bzw bei Löchern mit Hosen.
Und selbst wenn, dann wäre das Bügeln on-top. Außerdem: Komischer Vergleich.
It's funny that you're getting down voted for telling the truth. Nothing to be subjective about either. 😅
Because those are limited to Python? 😜
That rhymes! :D
No asteroids for you, Mr. Apocalypse.
Are you arguing for the sake of it? Since when is choosing pronouns a irreversible lifelong decision? Could you please stop with that nonsensical crusade? Holy fuck. It's so stupid. If you wanted to forcefully push people away then that would make sense..
What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Your entire post is antagonistic and your accusations ridiculous. But hopefully you feel good about yourself, because that could only be the point of your rant against me. You don't want a discussion, that point is clear. What's also clear is that you seem to know me pretty well, so I don't see the point in keeping on with your antics either.
Thank you!
Witzig. Du sprichst von Ignoranz, das ist schon sehr ironisch.