I'm pretty blind when it comes to these things
microtopia is a cute spin on the classic factory game where instead of belts and inserters you have little ants that do all the work of moving things between places, harvesting resources and operating machines, so what I'm saying is that if any of these men want to share in the glory of facilitating the first gigaslut in our history then they better do it with their own two legs (or one, or none).
in the game this is done through pheromone trails, and i do think in real life something similar could be achieved if you just follow the smell.
in one episode of the culture war the right wing focused on soy as leftist and woke and disgusting because it contains phytoestrogens, which are very unhelpfully named and don't actually function like human estrogen but they love to pretend they do. there's also vague bigotry because wow soy is sooo different and different is bad. there's also the fetishization of history and white men's culture of drinking cow milk, and if you are lactose intolerant they probably also expect you to just deal with the pain and the shits because a real man must always experience pain or whatever.
it's worse than that, we shift all the guilt about antisemitism and nazism onto muslims, so that they're perceived as the actual nazis and we're innocent happy fellows who are bestest of friends with The Jews™ who just happen to all support and live in israel and no other jewish opinion or existence is allowed or acknowledged. the palestinian genocide really is a denazification, israel is just cleaning up little hitler babies with daily bomb and drone strikes.
i think of respect as a social contract; if you have basic respect for others then you also get respect from me, if you don't then you don't. exaggerating that and pretending conservatives are oppressed is ridiculous. conservative's actions and opinions are just harmful and people call you out on it. it's not like you're getting mass deported or jailed. the negative consequences that conservatives in america do face right now mostly come from their own god emperor who decided that actually poor people (including conservatives) should just die.