
joined 2 years ago

Indana Avenue design suggestions released

Either a two-way street with painted bike lanes, or one-way for cars and two-way, semiprotected bike lanes. Not sure I care since the difference is mostly how it's painted, but I'd really like to see Kirkwood and Dunn closed to traffic, and Indiana would have to be two-way to allow for that.

@bloomington_in #cycling #bikelanes


Bloomington 4th on Most Improved Cities for Biking list

"In 2023, Bloomington reduced speed limits for all neighborhood streets to 25 miles per hour, contributing to a 17-point increase in its City Ratings score. In recent years, Bloomington also expanded its network of neighborhood greenways and constructed numerous road-adjacent shared-use paths and protected bike lanes like the 7-Line."

@bloomington_in #cycling #UrbanPlanning


Wouldn't it be nice if the process for safety improvements was as simple as the process for street maintenance?

Compare them:

@bloomington_in #UrbanPlanning


Indiana Avenue redesign

So I did go to the Indiana Avenue public meeting, but they didn't have any concrete plans to share. They did have a cool model to play with, though 😀

I'm always there to tell them to build more bike infrastructure, but there's a dull sameness to these meetings. A lot of people on bikes agreeing with me and a few people to complain about losing parking and bikers not stopping for stop signs.

@bloomington_in #biketooter #UrbanPlanning


Bike/Ped Commission meeting tonight

Zooming into the meeting, mostly to hear about Indiana Avenue. First up, though, is a review of the ADA Transition Plan. Comments seem mostly positive, commissioners are worried about several engineering issues rather than planning.

Public Comment: Eric Ost thinks we aren't doing enough due diligence on prioritizing projects. Thinks we spend too much on cycling and not enough on ADA.



Washington and Bloomington Work With Lime on Mobility

"The Mobility Insights Competition was designed to select two communities to better understand their biking issues, including equity and safety...Bloomington’s application charted a plan to use shared micromobility data to help with the city’s first Safe Streets for All Action Plan."

@bloomington_in #UrbanPlanning #bikeshare


Attorney General Todd Rokita Tells Monroe County to Rescind ‘Sanctuary City’ Policies

"Attorney General Todd Rokita has issued a threat to local officials in Monroe County, home to the city of Bloomington, along with several other Indiana localities: rescind “sanctuary city” policies or face legal action starting July 1."

Todd Rokita is an awful person.



Bloomington quietly puts up plans for protected bike lanes on Indiana Avenue

#cycling @bloomington_in


Bangkok Thai has some fine hot chiles tonight! 😓🔥🔥🔥


submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Bloomington to take part in heat mapping survey

"NOAA’s Urban Heat Island mapping campaign is in its eighth year, and according to the agency, a lack of vegetation and extensive pavement can cause neighborhoods to be upwards of 20 degrees warmer than nearby areas.

Participating volunteers are given devices that easily attach to a vehicle or a bike which take humidity and temperature readings and store the observations."

@bloomington_in #environment


Hundreds of people walking around Kirkwood today!

Eight of them were even able to leave their cars there! @bloomington_in


PHOTOS: Little 500 caps of Spring Series with Miss N Out and Team Pursuit

@bloomington_in #cycling #Little500

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

@bloomington_in Outside just before Easter Sunrise Service

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

@redfox Love them. Forces cars to slow down to a less than killing speed instead of a stop sign or light that can be blown through at 50 MPH. #CarsRuinEverything

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

@redfox I've only used it a couple of times (I live and work in Bloomington and #ebike everywhere). I'd like to get in the habit of a park-and-ride from the south side when I visit Indy though.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (5 children)

@redfox @ilinamorato Any chance you could take the red line instead of driving? It might be cheaper and less frustrating.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago (4 children)

@redfox @FlyingSquid @Bikevisionary might have some numbers to share.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago (1 children)

@FlyingSquid Watched the first season but the awkwardness was beyond me. As a gen-xer I prefer ironic detachment 😃

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago


Mayor leaves. Hopi Stosberg points out that stop signs aren't really traffic calming.

Somebody said that we don't need traffic calming, we need traffic control. An ebiker agrees that stop signs are easy to blow through, I think.

Okay, people are continuing to talk even though we're way over the meeting time. I think I'll stop here!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)


Isabel Piedmont-Smith points out the transportation plan was approved by the city council, elected officials, and disputes the nepotism charge. Doesn't want the council to have veto power.

Jenny from Sherwood Green would have liked their neighborhood to have been more involved, wants traffic calming on Hillside. And fewer bumpouts. And says cyclists really hate bumpouts and speed bumps and traffic calming.

Next guy complains about the process, but the mayor will be leaving

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)


Leslie Hobbs-Ramsey doesn't think the straightening of the path is necessary. Thinks bikers shouldn't complain about having to ride an extra two blocks. Considers the stop signs to be sufficient traffic calming devices. Doesn't feel they were heard in the process - says all the feedback was negative and the city should have paid attention to that, and some stuff about nepotism and being blindsided by cost increases. Is really upset that project was approved by unelected folks.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (3 children)


Stephanie (I think) asks about an MTP, not sure what that meant. Says she has data showing bumpouts are not needed. Would like the Atwater intersection improved, I think. Worried about people writing about her online 🙂

Next speaker used to feel safe walking to campus but doesn't any more. Worried about how dangerous speeding bikers will be when she backs her car out of her driveway.

Someone interjects about the steep decline from Weatherstone to Hawthorne.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (4 children)


Chuck Livingston is concerned about whether everything is ADA compliant. Do bumpouts force people to walk in the middle of the street? 🤨 Points out that the transportation plan doesn't discuss wheelchairs. Something about putting in a stop sign and being attacked because of it?

Mayor Thomson interjects that she wants everyone to feel safe expressing an opinion - also that some people wouldn't come to this meeting because of hate.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (5 children)


Next speaker doesn't give a name, but would prefer that safety on the three problematic intersections on Hawthorne be dealt with first. Says Bloomington's planning process is crazy. His only source of information is the newspaper (Somebody introduce him to @chronicallydave )

William Coulter thinks greenways aren't as cost effective as sidewalks. He also won't ride, blames cyclists for being dangerous. Would prefer more pedestrian infrastructure.

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