thanks for your reply. Kvaesitso seems to depend on closed google libs.
thanks for your comment. I've tried T-UI before and the problem is that the suggestion list is quite small and does not contain icons. otherwise it is fun to use
the look however is a two side coin olders in public trasport may find it too disturbing
thanks for your reply.
Nova Launcher is closed source. lawnchair seems to depend on closed source libs. There was Librechair fork stripping dependencies on proprietary libs (though still leaving dependency on few blobs taken from aosp builds) but it seems to be abndoned by now.
tell me what's right. I'm ukrainian living in Ukraine. but please, your bs about дамбілі бамбас won't work
btw Im not happy with NATO neither with western history. I just know personally what russian imperialistic shit looks like
- if Ukraine lose completely most of ukrainans living in Ukraine simply get extriminated or forcely assimilated.
- Russia started the war when invided Ukraine in 2014. not sure where the "using" is.
nice clicky sound, appretiate it but agree other commnents, would be nice to have horizontal version
what is the motivation behind not adding jack