
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

seems to work fine actually, way easier than i thought. 👌

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

2025 prediction: trudeau confirms he actually is the son of castro, and annexes the US.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

i dont, as I came to the conclusion that medium mode is too much work and not worth it (especially on mobile). Got Phoenix and manually imported some of the blocklists into Ironfox (for example "⛔ yokoffing's click2load filters" does what is described in the x-post you linked, but as you noted, you will still connect youtube

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

doesn't work I think. block embedded stuff and make it so that when you click on the placeholder, it opens FreeTube

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Was wondering about that stuff too! I don't live in my (safe) county of origin, but my VPN provider is from there (and I'm like 80℅ sure that provider is a CIA front, but anyway) and it's the only country I ever got arrested once or twice, where they have a file about me and whatnot.

Whenever I visit, I immediately get phone calls and letters about some kind of "military tax" that I never paid. Takes like them like 30 minutes to understand that I'm aware and don't plan to pay anything, even tho I actually need to and will land in military prison!!! (for an afternoon lol, sure pick me up, waiting, will be here all week).

Then I also don't seriously care about hiding anything from the country where I actually live, yet I do it all the time and insist on "anonymity" when e.g. defending that countries policies online or simply share my love for that country.

Am I stupid for using that VPN provider? Probably, but I just want my Apple Music to be streamed lossless, which only works with that VPN.

In the end I think my biggest stupidity was to start to believe that I even have something like a treat model, or that its worth to invest 2 afternoons only so creep JS cannot remember me anymore, wow, what a success! 🙄

Uh, sorry for the ramblings, it's holiday and I already had a beer. If you actually do have a treat model of any kind – take care, stay safe, and never ever put your safety into anything from 🇨🇭

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago

i dont even have a GPU and the 14b model runs at an acceptable speed. but yes, faster and bigger would be nice.. or knowing how to distill the biggest one, cuz I only use it for something very specific.





[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 months ago

While you sound reasonable, your mistake seems to be to believie that Judaism is the same as Zionism. It is not. It is completely not. They are inherently incompatible. Learn about it or don't. I'm not some kind of theological scholar or history professor. Maybe ask your local Rabbi about it.

Anyway, sorry to sound like some kind of an extremist to you, but violence is (at the moment) 100% the only answer. Not against the Jewish people, but against the fascist, zionist apartheid regime, who is committing genocide, right now, right before your eyes. Every day, bless you too.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (11 children)

oh right, totally forgot about those poor people who lived and partied next to the concentration camp and then got either kidnapped by people who wanted to break out of the concentration camp or were killed by the IDF. let's all show a bit more empathy! 😥

[–] [email protected] 41 points 3 months ago (13 children)
[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

not going into all of that but just install the app with aurora store if it makes you trust proton more.


even if you have zero interest in art, listen to this.

kinda bad audio quality in the beginning, but you will not regret it, promise!

cross-posted from:

Ruehl Muller joins Breht to discuss his upcoming book, put out by Iskra Books, titled "Building a People's Art: Selected Works of Trường Chinh and Tố Hữu".

Together, they discuss Vietnamese Socialist Realism, Maoist China, Cultural Revolution, dialectics, the death drive, fascism in Germany and Israel, New Democracy, and much more!


I've enabled "Delete cookies and site data when Firefox is closed" but while all cookies gets deleted, some random site data does not. Are my settings wrong, is this a bug, and what even is that data?

Additional Info: I use RFP, want to keep browsing history and site settings. Thank you very much.


So I've read the linked policy and believe it or not, but turns out we literally cannot use Microsoft Services to conduct crimes against Humanity or do things that are illegal in +99% of all countries.

I'm usually not easily triggered, but why should I pay for a Corp that seems to view me as a malware and spam distributing pedophile terrorist bully that is involved in drug trade and human trafficking?

And who exactly is this aimed for? Which criminal on god's forsaken earth will read this and conclude, oh darn it, guess I need to stop my operations then?

Also, the Services Agreement etc. is full of language like "we might delete your account and Data for reason X, Y or Z or maybe for no reason at all lol", which is itself bullying and causes stress, cuz for example, it's still not clear whether we can use stuff like Cryptomator, Joplin or Duplicati (never had a Problem with it, but still, why not clarify that instead of "don't commit stuff that will land you in a Cell in Den Haag")

I know most of you use Linux, and this might be what finally pushes me to that step too. Never saw an Ad in MS, it's not bloated, and I trust Defender, BitLocker, Core Isolation, Secure Boot and the Memory and Folder Protection stuff, but don't need to be insulted like that. Just need to find an Office Writer with tracked Changes in Balloons, LanguageTool support and something like AHK.

Bonus Question. Has anyone a batch/torrent Download link for 1 TB of Public Domain Images? Doesn't matter what it is, Art, Space, Stock images, just something that is ok with the MS Guidelines. I might not use the storage anymore, but I'm sure gonna use it.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'd like to install/run Kicksecure from my "EAGET USB 3.2 Solid State Pen Drive" as described here. (Im not set on Kicksecure, just read about it on privacyguides; open for suggestions! I just want something ... well secure and easy to use.

... However, my Windows PC does not recognize the USB with Debian as a bootable medium.

What I did:

  1. Download debian-live-12.5.0-amd64-xfce
  2. Flash it to USB with balenaEtcher
  3. Try to boot from it in all possible ways

I also tried other Linux distributions like Mint and Ubuntu ... nothing gets recognized on that USB, expect Tails. After it recognizes it as UEFI OS and I select Harddisk Mode.

Tails is amazing, love it! But I just don't really need Tor, and mostly I need to use an App that will simply not connect via the Tor network and cannot be configured to do so.

Thank you very much 😊

Edit: Not everything can boot on windows I guess. But in my case Ubuntu suddenly could after turning off the PC and remove it from its power source.


Infomaniak claims to use TLS, but

The first link in the TLS chain is executed via a purely internal network by the webmail and Smtp servers and is not available in TLS for performance reasons.

is this normal, acceptable, irrelevant, standard, a red flag?

they are the biggest hosting provider of Switzerland, so I somehow have a hard time believing, they lack resources to implement TLS right.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

From 2019, but still [this fullstop signals not only the end of that sentence, but also the end of this statement]. And here [those two words indicate that new information/context is being added; it is being indicated that we now no longer talk about the article, which the uneditorialized post title references and the post link leads to] something a bit more recent about the glorious “swiss privacy” [this makes it further clear that the following is about swiss privacy in general and not about Proton]

key points

[they were added because the main article is about Proton and written in english and because OP assumed that most in here are unable to read german and care less about general swiss privacy than they do care about Proton]

  • New reporting based on documents and court records shows that since 2017, the internet traffic of Swiss citizens has been massively monitored and read when it crosses borders, which happens routinely even for communication within Switzerland.

  • The intelligence service's claims that purely domestic Swiss internet traffic is collected are false, given how internet routing actually works. Traffic flows across borders dynamically, not through static "cables" as claimed.

  • All data is stored and searched, including retrospectively, meaning the intelligence service builds an ever growing haystack of private communication to dig through. This includes communication from journalists and lawyers that should be protected.

  • In 2023, steps were taken to expand monitoring further by requiring more Swiss internet providers to enable access to their infrastructure, including providers that don't directly deal with cross-border traffic. This contradicts previous claims about how the monitoring would work.

  • Critics argue this invalidates assurances given earlier by the government and intelligence officials and constitutes mass surveillance that violates civil liberties. There are plans in 2024 to revise the intelligence law again, possibly to retroactively legalize monitoring practices already occurring.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Im looking to create a real looking .cvs or .json file as if it was exported from a password manager.

  • E-Mail should always be the same and of my choice. Username should not be weird/random letters.
  • Websites should be real, random standard websites like facebook, twitter, instagram etc. no weird stuff.
  • bonus if it has credit cards or notes like "bitcoin wallet".

I found mockaroo, but the stuff it generates is too random. Any other tools that are suitable for this and can be used by a noob?

Many thanks!


I guess a lot of us do some form of privacy/security theatre. I'm at least doing it quite a lot of it, and it's difficult to stop thinking of new things that could (but probably never will) go wrong.

So instead of hearing how safe and cool your setup is, I'd like to hear how you simplified things and stopped the (hopefully 🤔) needless overthinking.


Text Tools Pro is a text-expanding power utility that facilitates the sending of custom messages with a trigger.

It will type out phrases like omw = on my way! the current date in any format, or even stuff like in2h = time from now in 2 hours, or simply lol = 🤣

In short, Text Tools Pro, developed by a Sri Lankan student, will significantly improve your typing experience on Android; use it.

PS: here is what you need to enter to get the in2h stuff:

key: in2h
value: {{time_in_two_hours}}
var name: time_in_two_hours
var type: date 
format: HH:mm
Offset: 7200
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