
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your nice comment!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

The stripes are called walking noise/ pattern and often show up when not using a tracking mount and not using dithering.

Because not every pixel of your camera captures signal exactly equally bright you‘ll see this difference along the movement of the sky as it gets accumulated with every subframe. The only way to get rid of it is to vary the pixels for each part of the image after each exposure. This can be done by moving the camera slightly after each shot. This process is called dithering.

With good calibration frames the pattern can by minimized very slightly. Other than that the only real option for processing I can think of is to hide the pattern by not stretching the dark ares too much.

Other than that great image!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Ich gehöre seit heute auch dazu. War ein langer Kampf, letztendlich hat alleinig die Gesetzesänderung zur Durchsetzung geführt.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

I didn't check but would guess right about one hour. Plus ~30min registration. Normally I just start the process and leave my laptop and come back later, so I don't know for sure.


On our journey to shot the best images we can with our non ideal setup we collected more data on the heart nebula. Main problem with our setup is the distance of the sensor which is not perfect and results in bad star shapes in the corners. Stepping down to 2.8 and using BXT helps a lot. Combined with old data we gathered a total exposure time of 14 hours.

  • Samyang 135mm @f2.8 and f2.0
  • Fuji X-T5 (unmodified)
  • STC dual narrowband filter
  • Star Adventurer 2i
  • 856 x 60s
  • ISO 3200


  • stacked, remove green noise, BGE in Siril
  • BXT, SXT in Pixinsight
  • streched with GHS in Siril
  • NXT, colouring, contrast, recombining stars in PS

Full resolution:

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Absolutely stunning image! Thanks for sharing

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Shoot with a Samyang 135mm lens and a Fuji X-T5.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Also we were quite surprised how bright the nebula is. We didn't thought to get that much signal with 15min exposure time. Even more so as our camera is not infrared modified.


This is a first test to shoot NGC 7293 with a 135mm lens. Sadly we could only gather 15 min exposure time as the time frame for shooting this nebula is super short and we had a lot of clouds. Hopefully we have better conditions next year. But this test makes us hopeful to get a decent image with our equipment.

  • Samyang 135mm
  • Fuji X-T5
  • dual narrowband filter
  • Star Adventurer 2i
  • 29 * 30s
  • stacked in Siril
  • final editing in PS
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Interesting, how much power does the laser have to need to be able to burn the paint?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Haha, the board won‘t win any prices for sure. But for a first try I‘m still very happy.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

I used this code as the base and changed it slightly so the pump has a safety time out and can be controlled via PWM.

In newer projects I use code from Espressif however because it works with Matter and Threads.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago

Yes exactly. It checks the weather forecast however so it doesn’t water when it‘s raining. This way I don’t have to refill the canister too often. A better way would be to attach moisture sensors to the plants, but I don’t like having to change batteries constantly. This is a very simple solution but it works for me.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago

I just printed the design on a glossy paper and used an iron to transfer the toner from the paper onto the pcb (last image). The toner protects the underlying copper in the etching process, so only the free copper gets etched away. I used Na2S2O8 for etching.


cross-posted from:

As I don‘t have a water outlet on my balcony I use a water tank and a pump for watering my strawberries. I developed a controller for the pump which runs natively on Apple Homekit but I‘d like to change it to Matter and Threads in the future.


cross-posted from:

As I don‘t have a water outlet on my balcony I use a water tank and a pump for watering my strawberries. I developed a controller for the pump which runs natively on Apple Homekit but I‘d like to change it to Matter and Threads in the future.


As I don‘t have a water outlet on my balcony I use a water tank and a pump for watering my strawberries. I developed a controller for the pump which runs natively on Apple Homekit but I‘d like to change it to Matter and Threads in the future.


cross-posted from:

This was my first try developing my own pcb with the toner transfer method. I did this project many years back but it works perfectly to this day.

It filters an audio signal and drives led strips so they pulsate to the beat of a song.


This was my first try developing my own pcb with the toner transfer method. I did this project many years back but it works perfectly to this day.

It filters an audio signal and drives led strips so they pulsate to the beat of a song.


Got another shot at C/2023 A3.

  • Samyang 135mm f2.0
  • Fuji X-T5
  • 603 x 5s
  • ISO 400
  • Stacked, streched in Siril
  • combined stars, comet and foreground in Photoshop
C/2023 A3 & M5 (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We got extremely lucky and got a tiny window of cloudless sky in an never ending sequence of cloudy nights. Also the conditions were a nightmare with severe light pollution and lights shining directly at our equipment.

  • Samyang 135mm f2.0
  • Fuji X-T5
  • 158 x 5s
  • ISO 125
  • @f2.8

And maybe somebody here can explain to us what the ionized gas is that 'shoots out‘ in front of the comet?

Also do the colours seem to be correct? We tried our best at background extraction and maintaining the true colour, but the raw data was of poor quality. From images of other comets the dust tails normally seems to have a yellow/orange colour and only the plasma tail is blue.

Edit: found the answer to the Anti-tail. It shows the trail of dust were the comet has traveled, which appears to come out at the opposing side because of earths angle relative to the comet and sun.



  • Samyang 135mm f2.0 lens
  • Fuji X-T5 (unmodified)
  • Star Adventurer 2i


  • 220 x 60s
  • ISO 400


  • stacked in Siril
  • remove green noise
  • background extraction
  • BlurXTerminator
  • NoiseXTerminator (0.5)
  • GHST
  • final editing and recomposition in Photoshop

More details:


We really struggled to combine RGB with Ha. For our first try at continuum subtraction however we are very pleased.


  • Samyang 135mm f2.0 lens
  • Fuji X-T5 (unmodified)
  • Star Adventurer 2i
  • STC duo narrowband filter


  • 288x 60s RGB
  • 592x 60s narrowband


  • stacked in Siril
  • remove green noise
  • background extraction
  • star removal on both rgb and Ha
  • continuum subtraction with Pixelmath in Siril
  • adding Ha to RGB with Pixelmath
  • BlurXTerminator
  • NoiseXTerminator (0.5)
  • GHST
  • final editing and recomposition in Photoshop

Full resolution and more details:

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