I suppose that makes it a but more plausible as to why Zuckerberg is sleeping with an ostrich...
Or, in other words, around 244 kibiInternets.
So in other words your clothes are very organized?
Shirt of Theseus?
So you are saying there is no reason not to double Linux to version 12 in order to out-do Windows?
Boy does it seem like this author is trying to push something. I wonder if...
To learn more, attend my upcoming CEC course January 27-31: Expert C Techniques to Master Bare-Metal Programming. You’ll discover how to master one of C’s most powerful tools—function pointers—and use them to design flexible, efficient systems. From building cooperative schedulers and command parsers to creating configurable, reusable code, you’ll gain hands-on insights that can transform your approach to embedded programming.
...yep, sounds about right.
I personally am extremely concerned about the fact that Windows is already at version 11 but Linux has not even made it to version 7 yet.
What's scary is all of the ways they can track you even without your browser actively cooperating. For example, they can create an HTML5 canvas, render a bunch of shapes, and then probe individual pixels to get a read on your graphics card and drivers. The EFF has a very educational test you can subject your browser to in order to see how easy it is to fingerprint it based on these kinds of things.
I would not recommend this as an exercise for a beginner, but RPython is a subset of Python with a C backend; it is used as the basis of PyPy (an implementation of Python), so it may be possible to use it to implement the low-level parts which then can be used to bootstrap a full Python virtual machine.
Yes, and that’s basically what the CPython interpreter does when you call a Python script. It sometimes even leaves the machine code laying in your filesystem, with the extension .pyc . This is the byte code (aka machine code) for CPython’s implementation of the Python Virtual Machine (PVM).
This is incorrect; the term "machine code" refers to code that can be run on a real machine, not to code that requires a virtual machine.
The context you are missing is that, for a lot of people, OOP was taught as the be-all and end-all of abstraction. I personally have seen some of my less experienced colleagues start to write code to solve a problem and immediately reach for OOP over and over again, even when this made things a lot messier (which ultimately I had to deal with...), because that is how they were told at one point was the "correct" way to do it, so I can completely sympathize with anti-OOP sentiment. On the other hand, I am not personally vehemently anti-OOP because I think that (as you have correctly observed) OOP is a perfectly fine pattern when it fits, and arguably the root problem that my colleagues had was not so much that they used OOP everywhere but that there was a tendency to not think through the consequences of their design choices.
I disagree. The point of the movie is not to make people feel to feel smug, it is to provide catharsis for people who feel like the entire world is insane while simultaneously telling them that they are the insane one.