Honest question: to what are you referring by "Linux’s schizophrenic nature"?
If by "real engineers" you mean the posers who do not work directly with the underlying analog waveforms that approximate digital logic, then I suppose you have a point.
I agree completely that, when done well, smaller functions can make code easier to work with for all of the reasons that you have mentioned. When not done well, however, I still have to read through all of the same code to figure out which part has the implementation detail that I need to care about, but now it has been scattered about instead of collected into one convenience place.
There are definitely legitimate situations where that is the case, but I do not think this is one of them. To quote the reason for the rejection (from here):
I accept that you don't want to be involved with Rust in the kernel, which is why we offered to maintain the Rust abstraction layer for the DMA coherent allocator as a separate component (which it would be anyways) ourselves.
Which doesn't help me a bit. Every additional bit that the another language creeps in drastically reduces the maintainability of the kernel as an integrated project. The only reason Linux managed to survive so long is by not having internal boundaries, and adding another language complely breaks this. You might not like my answer, but I will do everything I can do to stop this. This is NOT because I hate Rust. While not my favourite language it's definitively one of the best new ones and I encourage people to use it for new projects where it fits. I do not want it anywhere near a huge C code base that I need to maintain.
These do not sound like the words of someone who had been on the fence but was finally pushed over to one side by the last patchset in a sequence.
On the other hand, I often have wished that the author of the code I am reading had just kept their original 20 line function around instead of splitting it up into a zillion little functions that force me to constantly jump around to figure out what is actually going on.
It is not a good sign when your wife indicates that if you were a stranger then you would be completely unappealing to her, especially in the context of a game explicitly being played with the goal of improving the relationship.
Also, as I understand it, the Book of Revelation essentially only barely squeaked its way into the Bible anyway under the belief that its author was the same John as the John that wrote the Gospel of John; if it had been believed to have been authored by anyone else then it would have been left out because it was hardly a unique representative of its genre.
I wouldn't worry about it given that Rust has issues binding to C++.
You should seriously consider using Odin if you happen to be writing code on a Wednesday and you want additional divine blessing.
...for they shall be forced to use Visual Basic.
So... just to be clear, if a woman really did not want to be in a marriage with you, you are saying that you would do everything in your power to force her to stay?