I would sure like a singular place where shared knowledge is listed and categorized for all adjustments, tests, and uncertainty tweaks needing verification to be able to apply to a design, slice, or printer to maximize and not waste potentially a lot of time, plastic and guess work.
I just love the glassware in this photo. Anyone know it?
I’ve been thinking about this for a long while. Germany and South Korea would be the easiest countries to implement this change to technocracy for their population understanding science and change adaption.
Space Oddity - David Bowie
Superman’s Dead - Our Lady Peace
Walking with a ghost - Tegan and Sara
Did we even have an actual annual season in reality since its release? Was just like winter and wham 4 seasons with a 5th coming soon…
P.O.D - Youth of the Nation
Something something Lady Gaga
Strange how leading up to our intro to the 20’s there were a lot of articles about how if you don’t enjoy your job to ask management to put you on the layoff list. To be easier for management to reduce without the awkward moment of calling you in.
Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin
I have category folders and within them the output gcode files alongside a downloads folder for zips and a models folder for scad, stl, 3mf files. If it’s several models related to a project or build they are in their own folder.
The sd card is sorted via plastic type. Grab the gcode at the category level and place into appropriate sd folder. Knowing that anything at the root of the category has been sliced to be ready and or is current to the workflow of getting the model printed. Clear folder of one offs when print completed.