Press F for all those swimming around Planet 4546B
"What could possibly go wrong?" Jeremy Clarkson
If you like Space Opera, try the Kris Longknife series (starting with Kris Longknife: Mutineer) and the Aeon 14 books by M D Cooper (starting with The Complete Intrepid Saga) - all of which are on Kindle. Also on Kindle: Columbus Day (Expeditionary Force Book 1) All books in the series John Ringo's Empire of Man series starting with March Upcountry
As someone whose eye sight is shit, websites with grey text on an off-white page piss me right off.
We (Aussies from Melbourne) tried to find decent Chinese food in England and gave up. Most of it was worse than Australian Chinese from the 1970's! The Indian and Turkish restaurants however, were amazing.
Yay! The Nostromo finally gets a mention. The attention to detail in the ship is amazing and a whole new set of warning symbols were designed for it.
And the Kenyans. The English developed concentration camps in South African and used them in Kenya during the Mau Mau rebellion.
Pullo and Vorenus were great characters!
Maybe . . . just maybe, if neo-nazi's are coming out to support your side of the debate . . . you might actually be one of the baddies.
Oh No! . . . . . . . . Anyway!
Lemmy is great. Altho now it's full of Linus apologists so it sucks atm. Also Memmy is fantastic!
Glad I read the small print note BEFORE I posted my original comment!!