It's only a fictional videogame! Haha! I can understand the feels though. I've been replaying the Mass Effect Trilogy recently and had decided to go full renegade for the lols, I got half way through the first game and realized I just wanted to feel good and decent about my choices and restarted for yet another paragon run! ๐
A giant milkshake of milk!
I won't lie the new steam release of Dwarf Fortress has helped alot but there's still so much that's possible and tiny little things that affect other things.
I'd throw Hunt:Showdown up there. I started with a friend a couple years ago and we just devoured YouTube videos to learn tidbits. But I realize not everyone wants to watch people playing a game in order to learn and play a game themselves. I'm still constantly in awe of the sound design and how it meshes into finding intense gunfights and defines how you engage other players based on what guns you think they have based on sound versus what you know about your own loadout. Each fight I'm learning something new and I'm a little over 500 hours in. I think the "generally accepted" amount of time to get decent at the game is around 1000 hours.
I never really understood how obtuse learning Stellaris can be. I've been playing it since release and have been with it through every step of its massive changes. This year I had two friends pick it up and attempting to explain the basics plus the intricacies along with slowing down my playstyle in order to explain why I do what I do was a learning experience in and of itself. I wish the new coop mode had been out when I was initially showing them the ropes. They've since started to to get the hang of things though and I'm proud!
I need to get back into this game I've only ever scratched the surface and then feel like I need to start over from the beginning every time I revisit so I can remember what I was doing. I freaking love trains though.
PC and Switch over here. Switch is mostly for Nintendo games but the game I've played the most on it is Stardew Valley, the portability rocks. I am looking forward to picking up a Steam Deck in the near future though.
Yeah with old.reddit and the usability of RES going away my desire to use the site will completely evaporate. Agreed on that I mostly use it for niche interest and specific game subreddits.
Though it sounds like RES is optimistic that they won't be affected too badly:
That article is fantastic, read it when it was first posted and just read it again now. His closing lines hit home:
"...policymakers should focus on freedom of exit โ the right to leave a sinking platform while continuing to stay connected to the communities that you left behind, enjoying the media and apps you bought, and preserving the data you created..."
"The Netheads were right: technological self-determination is at odds with the natural imperatives of tech businesses. They make more money when they take away our freedom โ our freedom to speak, to leave, to connect."
Historically Firefox but I've recently been trying out Brave and really like it. I especially like brave on mobile because it automatically strips all the ads out of YouTube.
Thanks for the link, makes me think about it a little more in a different light.