Moscow is harder to hit because it is likely defended. Go for just as valuable targets that are less defended
Like Mormons, many christian groups consider the theological differences strong enough to not call them christian. Of course Christian is a label that was applied by outsiders to talk about this new sect and so I guess really what counts could be how outsiders think of them.
Take your pick. You can argue either way.
Derived yes, but often combining different cultures that back home were too separated to combine and so even though we know where they come from the combination is still uniquely American.
I wouldn't call them a cult - they have some elements like a cult, but I want to reserve the word cult to something a little stronger/less moral. Cults tend to abuse children (child abuse is everywhere, but cults it would be part of them) or commit mass suicide.
With a good finish OSB can look nice. Enough epoxy to make the surface smooth for example will let the grain show through while not having splinters. Look at the interesting patterns you can put on epoxy countertops. Consider putting fiberglass in the epoxy as well for something stronger than plywood.
Personally I lean to more solid wood. But then I'd build my cabinets with just hand tools if I had time.
Russia's war runs on oil, so less exports mean more oil for the war. Money is of course also important, but I really want the oil wells destroyed so that Russia can't fuel their war machine (less oil pumped is also good for the earth in general). Second best is destroy all the refineries so that they can only export what oil they pump as crude - but then we somehow need to stop fuel imports.
@[email protected] After using unix (mostly not linux!) for 10 years I found that I just knew it and always got it right. I haven't had to think about ln in the last 20 years - my fingers just work. I guess that is one advantage to getting older/wiser. (I'm just hoping I don't get cognitive decline like so many do, though probably I wouldn't for 20-30 more years)
Perhaps, but often best sellers are trash in various readers opinions. If you are searching out smaller authors because you believe they write better books you will come across a lot of AI.
As one of those who believe best sellers are generally trash, there are a much larger number of small authors who are even worse than any best seller. Still I search them out because the tiny minority who write gems. (again the is my subjective opinion)
Note that you never notice the things you are doing wrong. So you yell at the person tailgating you, while not caring that you are following too close. When someone else doesn't use a turn signal they are an idiot, when you don't it was a honest mistake.
In a driver what else is there? Either you deal with c or hardware.
You need a crack to let water/steam out, but you still want a cover on to keep the heat in and thus save energy. (it isn't much energy, but it is still energy saved, and most likely CO2 saved)
They may not care but without oil their war halts anyway.