First one killed my mum and disabled me. Wonder what the second one will do.
You make a decent point, but in the context of this tweet it feels a little problematic, almost like comparing disabled people to animals.
Excellent writeup.
Adding another one: Refusing to stop a pandemic thats killing tens of millions because otherwise capitalists won’t accumulate capital is violence.
If the renovation was the only royal expense…
Would be nice to have included link.
Then unsubscribe from this community. Or block me?
Simple. No need to make 20 comments on this post and waste everyone’s time. I’m not going to change my posting habits just for you when it looks like hundreds of people upvoted the post. So just block me :)
Whitepeopletwitter is in practice atleast 50% political opinions.
I don’t know why you care so much about this? Does disability rights bother you?
not with republican filled courts lol
Check the sidebar.
microblogmemes is meant to be a whitepeopletwitter alternative that doesn’t divide based on race. There’s no rule about it needing to be funny or a joke.
Yep. I don’t want to kill myself. But sometimes I fantasise about a heart attack or something finishing me off.