Sure, because his threat was so successful at intimidating us the first time. What's the definition of insanity, again?
No offense, but you really need to figure yourself our before you try dating anyone else. This post has a lot of red flags.
Ukraine is in Europe. The US isnt - they can get fucked.
Welcome new users! You've made an excellent choice.
I honestly cannot believe they left the B. Not because bisexuality isnt valid. Just because it seems like exactly the kind of thing Trump's team would say is fake news.
He probably doesnt know what it stands for.
I say fuckin DO IT. Itll suck in the short term. But will light a fire under our asses to pursue trade relationships with countries that arent run by a narcissistic, tiny peckered fuckwit and his nazi cronies.
I dont hate Americans but I hate American government. Smell ya later cunts. In the meantime :
I dont know you, but this sounds like narcissistic personality disorder.
Don't wash your ass
Heres one thing ive found very impactful for my own happiness - stop giving a fuck what other people think/expect.
That said, im only 33. Sounds like the worst is yet to come lol