He's just prying the door open for Nazis in Canada. He's got no other purpose.
No, the final check on authoritarianism is the people.
Let's compromise. Light their reproductive organs on fire.
This may be good for adding accessibility options to players who need them.
Great way to build trust!
What a waste. In this scenario your best act is to throw your bodies at the idiots started this mess, not to kill yourself.
Just double the fees for all US shipping for the next four years.
Can he stop acting and ruining movies, please?
Some people's lives don't revolve around the physical or long term rights to their entertainment. They are happy to plonk down a few bucks every month to keep the hose running. When it gets too expensive they spend their money on other things. It's not stupidity, they have other priorities for their lives.
Never watched E.T.