Choosing the bigger evil ain't the way out of it though. Unless you are an accelerationist that believes things have to get worse before it can get better.
one of the food delivery service I used tried to offer this, but that is extremely limited in availability and does not cover my address so I never get to use it.
If they actually already have the alignment, then it wouldn't have needed an additional filter on their cloud based service that censors results that causes the discrepancy between the model you can download and their cloud service.
machines that is trained on lies make lies. I am shocked!
Extremely effective, happens all the time with amounts more than an average person can ever earn.
Physically get them out might prove to be a challenge as the customs would definitely question your bags of gold.
If you use a decentralized trading platform like Bisq, you can even use face to face cash trades that keeps no logs of anything that ties to your identity.
It is largely trained on online articles, which does have inherently a western media bias in the first place. Any censorship/filtering are done after the fact as part of the hosted service.
Reminder the models do not form their own opinion, they only calculated the most likely response after a question.
I used it once when my rental's heating was not working well so I used my GPU as a space heater, recoup more than 10x cost of the hardware by mining over half a winter.
BTC also still can remain untracable as long as you only deal any tradings of it with people who don't keep other logs that tie to your identity. (Cash trades when buying BTC, and products sellers don't link any deliveries with your BTC transaction)
You should just order "sashimi" if you don't want the rice, in buffet place the "sashimi" is just the protein part of the sushi
no one is making out, but you if it's life or death you would listen to their demands until help arrives/opportunities arise.