From what I remember yes, it's a placeholder for currency
Yup, in 2015, more or less, from what I remember reading the Wikipedia page. Got superceded by bunsenlabs, like notthebees said.
2 days ago my friend found an old SATA hard drive and gave it to me to check what's on it, and me, not having a disk station or anything, and against all better judgment, I just swapped the disk in my laptop for my friend's, and instead of my laptop being fried it turned out the disk was running something called Crunchbang Linux
A whole 100 pieces? What a deal!
I know the pain. Before I found a very obscure device fingerprint I could do a little spoofing with, I basically had to search the web like once a month for something that would let me bypass PIAPI again. It was exhausting.
Ironically enough soon after I found that obscure fingerprint I switched to paying with my credit card instead of my phone since my banking app couldn't let me turn on contactless payments with my phone for whatever reason.
Or "wyrewolwerowany rewolwer"
My classmates and I played around with that one a lot back in primary school – I think I once managed to say "wyrewolwerowany rewolwerowiec wyrewolwerowuje wyrewolwerowany rewolwer" without skipping a beat.
Yeah, it's hand-colored. Kudos to whoever did it, it looks really good.
Hell, it still is pretty frequent for me to see a couple regulars on the TF2 servers i play on