You just aren't perceiving the issues that are there. SH2 stutters. That's a fact.
Unless it's picked up by someone who exposes it to a large audience of people who care about the issue, but would otherwise be unaware of it, I don't see it making it. It got off to strong start, but momentum has predictably fallen off.
Until they reach a threshold of consecutive disappointing results, and EA lays off the entire studio.
Do your mental health a favor and stop devoting attention to this.
Det virker i mine øjne opblæst. Jeg har kun læst denne artikel, og ikke yderligere materiale, men jeg synes eksempelvist at "skolepigefnis" bruges for at male læseren et billede, og ikke bør fraskrives bare fordi det er kønnet sprog.
This article made me finally get around to installing Gamemode and Mangohud. Tumbleweed 💛
Bioware has been circling the drain for years, and it's clear the people who made it special have long since left. If I worked there, I would have already been looking for employment elsewhere because this isn't going to last.
I seriously doubt that ASUS put any focus on making it user serviceable either. I really want a Deck, but I'm waiting for refurbished units to be back in stock because the price difference is just too big to justify a brand new unit.
If you're using sonarr and radarr, which is definitely not what most pirates are doing, piracy is the most convenient by leagues. You get everything under one service and it automatically shows up as soon as it's available in the quality you've specified interest in.
Ah, den canadiske model.