A pearlescent outfit with an iridescent top and skirt, shawl, and a pearl choker and heels.
Fits all tall ladies. Replaces the Faire Joi, Faire Kohakama, Faire Zori, Black Pearl Bracelet, and the Black Pearl choker.
Thanks to Tsar, Illy and Bizu for the bibo+ body in small, medium, large and xl. Thanks especially to r.b.b. who helped with the outfit design and previews!
Note that the shawl and skirt may stretch, clip or float in some poses. The game doesn't really have bones for these. If it bothers you too much, send me your order number for a refund.
Creator Page
IPFS aHR0cHM6Ly9pcGZzLmlvL2lwZnMvUW1XelJDYTVmNm4xbktWWEF1ZllqQ2NiQnh4dEJVc0hSUThDY0hBem9IWjFnaj9maWxlbmFtZT1QZWFjaGVzJTIwYW5kJTIwUGVhcmxzJTIwSUlJJTIwLSUyMGJ5JTIwU29sb25hLnR0bXAy