
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago

We have so short memories we forget Biden' rode in preaching accountability and on the heels of George Floyd's murder. And then for at least some of us failed to deliver.

If you were listening, she gave plenty of reasons to send a message back right out of her own mouth.

Condemning a genocide would have been an easy win for one, but it's one of a dozen. She ran a campaign to hug the center, she got all the voters that will get you because 70/240 million possible Americans aren't persuadable. But it's all she tried. Gun control, health care, labor rights, dropping death penalty reform from the platform, a campaign run to save us from Republicans... With a bipartisan panel involving Republicans.

I'm not for an instant insinuating there isn't a problem with both race and sex in America, but the problem is the people fighting it from the top are idiots who can't do basic math. There were plenty of votes to win among the 80-110 million people who are eligible, but didn't.

No I don't think they're going to be better off, but the blame is not giving them the thing they want to vote for. They outnumber you. They would have beaten Trump.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Its the same problem as standardized Unix systems in the 90s. There's more ideas on how to implement hardware than there are hands to integrate driver software.

When it comes together it'll be because we either make the manufacturers warp around something like POSIX, or provide a common target on phones like the steam deck.

Otherwise every hardware generation will get the undescribable misery of supporting the last one, from the one they're on, while writing the next one. The problem tends to compound.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 months ago

I believe not wanting to put the guy back in who did nothing as the Saudi's bone sawed one of your writers falls into; common sense.

Bozo thought his own op ed was more important than the journalism of his "editorial board", people who he presumably pays to write opinions. People who are journalists.

He thinks he's an astronaut and a journalist because he can buy rocket companies and papers, but he's a clown demonstrating his own lack of understanding of bias in plain English, his paper is worth but the circus music following him.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Both naev and endless sky will scratch the top down space trader itch.

I killed a lot of hours on the official release of endless sky, it was nice to see it unexpectedly in the arch repo.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

This is always a spectrum from how long it was since the last Debian stable release. So about 2 years max.

Modern release cadences make it crazy anywhere but Debian, but security patches are very timely. If you're dealing with newer features, driver support or java/npm packages you're probably also outside the typical defaults, but there's generally some people working to keep the common ones up to date.

Still not my preferred way to handle updates and in some cases... kind of abusive to the maintainers who constantly haVE to deal with bug reports from "out of date" Debian users. The xscreensaver maintainer has some choice words. But it works, has for years with no sign of slowing.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago (1 children)

K, teachable moment maybe.

How complicated do you think a web browser is? Out of the box there is support for 30 years of web and file systems, support for socket types that will never be commissioned again and a pipeline to every native media format.

It's complicated, it's essentially an OS. with perfect backward compatability. (Mostly)

I have an increasing amount of bile for the Mozilla Corp, but if you're on Lemmy you probably noticed corporations don't make the best decisions for you... My question is how many of the options do you see in about:config do you think chrome and safari don't show you?

Mostly to their benefit I'd add, except if they set them maliciously you'll never know.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 months ago

I like fuzzel, had a few issues with dpi scaling on wofi out of the box.

Easy to integrate clipboard/window select/dmenu binds and a way to distinguish indexed entries from straight text was a plus.

Honestly unless you're going out of the box to something new (Walker and anyrun caught my eye) dmenu has had everything I needed for years... But I don't want to set it up again. Not again.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

It gets better!

I took a deep dive on fonts my first week(they were fuzzy). I now know a lot about things I almost never use or set, but every win will give you a piece of the whole thing.

Eventually you figure out the "core" (that stays the same everywhere and you don't have to do near as much work to tack on the extras.

It's big and complicated because you're replacing windows with the hundred individual things windows does, each were made by someone else, in some cases decades apart.

Somehow it all works pretty well, but we stand on the shoulders of some giants.

Edit: I also don't like manjaro, but someone here has covered why better than I would have. I run endeavouros and would recommend if you want arch with less config, but it is arch. Mint is where I have been pointing people to start recently.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

It hooks into nearly every base utility I can't live without (fzf, jq, helix, ripgrep). If you're on windows im not sure you're going to get a ton unless you live in WSL.

You can pick the editor it'll open by default, which should be configurable with comparable syntax highlighting. Vi can pretty much look like whatever. I think it'll default to vscode on windows.

Im not sure what you'd use it for but manage files, but I would have poked it and probably moved along while I was still on windows.

Edit: the other benefit you might not see has a lot to do with support of mime types.

The xdg open protocol will open whatever app is assigned to handle type locally. Which is probably why it defaults to editor.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 5 months ago (4 children)

I binned my copies of ranger and nnn when I found this last year. Its stellar.

Diskonaut is the only other one that stuck, of the new CLI file managers. hunting lost files from a recovered hard drive was a lot easier with directory visualization for whatever reason.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

I honestly bounced off of every window manager I haven't configured myself, so kudos if you're managing.

Fedora's spin of sway should more or less take drop in i3 configs if you can back them up and figure out the few things that don't directly translate. It was pretty solid last I looked.

With window managers you'll probably get more mileage tooling with the configs than switching distros. Aside from cosmic the lineage is largely as a command line app that shows you windows, rather than GUI first.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

That's probably closer today than it was then. The added complication being that client is probably not thin enough for them to return to mainframe model which would be vastly easier to monetize.

Besides we got WSL out of the bargain, so at least inter op isn't a reverse engineering job. Its poetically the reason linux ended up killing the last few win sever shops I knew. Why bother running win sever x just to run apache under linux. Why bother with hyper v when you can pull a whole docker image.

If the fortune 500 execs are sold on microsoft ita mostly as a complicated contactual absolution of cyber security blame.

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