I use the Debian social contract as an example of the an unmitigated good in open source.
That doesn't mean the org always live up to it, but that's partially why there are battles for things like representation inside. I wouldn't extend the benefit of the doubt to canonical, and I prefer rolling as opposed to security ported updates on my own hardware, but they made what you see possible on the internet in large part because people came together to make a free platform.
The orgs dogmas look like product of a bygone age to be, and changes to environment in software is probably as hostile to their approach as ever. I'm amazed they're not more dysfunctional just from the outside looking, it's a rock solid implementation.
I know about 3 people on earth that ever ran it in anything approaching production. Two of them still found a way to use the acme editor til LSPs took over, one is still at it.
It remains a pretty cool project you can still find people maintaining the bones of it. I think the core utils are ported and in the arch repo.