I mean the high brow homage is incredibly French, and not entirely accurate, but Le Fin remains funny to me.
If you want some branding advice keep it simple and mildly adjacent, portmanteau tends to sound busy if you've got a bunch multi syllable words. I'd imagine most of the users will find there way here out of some degree of familiarity, the name and a screenshot do all your lifting for you.
Blank for Lemmy grates on me, but you can drop it later and it brings some platform awareness, so not all bad.
Keep up the great work!
I mean for those that don't get the reference: The end of every French film I saw in college ended in a otherwise blank card that just says Fin (end). I think it's the kids in the hall that do a pretty decent parody of this but it's been years.
Stealing the Le from Lemmy just makes it The End.