The Saboteur
Number of federal employees
1970: 2.8 million
2024: 3.0 million
US Population
1970: 203 million
2024: 340 million
All they do is lie. Federal employees make life better for all, and all they've ever seen is shrinking resources and more workload.
Fuck Republicans and fuck everyone who votes for this shit.
American lives will get worse, and unfortunately the morons who vote for this are too fucking stupid to connect dots and realize how nice their lives are with what government does for them.
The boomer humor is the implications that what others desire is bad, and that only this desire to be outdoors is good. It's the boomer humor angle of "put down your phones" or "touch some grass." It wouldn't be boomer humor if the cartoon didn't directly compare this joy to other options insultingly.
Lecturing others anonymously online isn't exactly caring either.
Olympus Has Fallen was kind of about this in a way.
They would temporarily swear in the next in chain of command because the president is unable to perform duties. That'd be VP and then I think Speaker of the House.
Democrats sure know what's important right now. Can't imagine why they lost so fucking hard.
Also, for the morons who will shit on me with idiotic assumptions cause their puny brains only function in binary.....fuck repubs too.
I wish I could sleep til 7am any day.
I barely use Decky anymore cause it's caused so many fucking problems and crashes.
To be clear specific plug-ins cause problems.
It's a boomer joke and it's dumb.
Guarantee you we blow more money on missiles for other countries to commit genocide with.
Fuck these assholes and fuck everyone who votes for them.
The same sale price it has like a dozen times a year.