
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The best possible outcome over the next four years is that there is just constant incompetence and chaos from Trump and all the idiots around him.

Yes that’s shitty but it’s the best possible thing we can hope for. He’s trying hard to destroy the country but he’s too stupid and greedy to do it right.

I do predict that he’ll be a trillionaire within a few years because apparently one of his main goals is unbridled corruption.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Yeah I really don’t know what a fair price for streaming is. They can charge what they want and I’ll pay if I think it’s worth it.

My current pattern is to keep one or two streaming services at a time and when I run out of shows I drop one and add a different one.

People are disappointed though that the service used to be a much better value. It’s like most things that start out good and become “enshittified” as the service provider tries to extract more and more profit.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago

The problem didn’t appear overnight and trying to “fix” it overnight is going to cause chaos.

Just one example: there was a bipartisan bill a few months ago that had most of the things republicans asked for. Trump pressured the republicans to not vote for the bill because he wanted to campaign on illegal immigration and do this kind of cruel and stupid shit when he got elected.

Trump doesn’t try to fix things, he just likes showy displays of power and cruelty because he’s a fucking asshole.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Re: don't plug in a linux drive to window: This is a pretty new (all AMD) machine that had windows 11. I added a new drive and put linux on it and had a dual boot going. Just one time I tried to access the windows drive from linux to try to run a game I had installed there and it corrupted the windows drive. So yeah, I won't try to connect them.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I installed it from the Software Manager tool in Mint.

There are 6 reviews for it. The top review has this comment which sounds similar to my experience:

4 weeks after DarkRacoon, and I have the same problem. Steam kind of launches, shows up like an invisble window, then closes again. I also need to kill the Steam process, uninstall through Software Manager and then re-install again. All games are still installed, so it's just annoying to re-install Steam itself. And btw, yes I have ran the dpkg apt update mentioned in the Details section.

As I mentioned, I am new to Mint. I've used linux and unix before so I'm not totally lost, but the UI interface is a bit confusing for me, at least how it relates to the inner workings. So I guess you advocating that I figure out how to use flatpack. I assume it works sort of like Chocolatey on windows or Homebrew on Mac.


A few months ago I switched from Windows 10 to Linux Mint. I'm mostly able to play games but there are some annoyances. I'm hoping an expert can help identify these issues.

Summary of issues

  1. Shortcuts to steam and to individual games is wonky
  2. Having trouble using different proton versions and trying different ones causes a situation where I have to reboot to use steam
  3. Something I don't understand about remounting disks and the interaction with steam on how it references it's library.


  1. First of all, When I installed steam, it added a link under Menu->Games->Steam. This link doesn't work. It appears to launch but then the screen just blinks every once in a while. I have to end up killing steam from the process monitor. If I open a terminal and type "steam", and then run games from the steam UI window, they mostly run ok. Sometimes I am able to run a game by clicking the link that gets added to Menu->Games. This actually opens the steam UI (if it was closed) and launches the game.

  2. Second, there are a few games that don't work very well, especially ones that play videos. For these I've tried Proton Experimental. This sometimes works, but sometimes games get stuck on some percentage of "processing vulcan shaders". I try to kill steam and restart but the only thing that works is a full reboot. So when I kill steam there is still stuff floating around that needs to be ended but I'm not sure how to identify it. BTW I also tried installing Proton GE but that seemed to hose everything and I had to remove it.

  3. The third thing is that I don't exactly know how the library is associated with a drive. I have a 2nd drive that I can't get to mount automatically. It recently had a corruption and I went into the Disks utility and repaired it. While there I went to the "Edit Mount Options" and saw a toggle for "User Session Defaults". I unchecked this and rebooted. The drive mounted with no issue, which is great. Unfortunately, when I started Steam, it did not know the drive anymore and any game that I had installed only said "Install". So I went to the steam settings and re-added the drive for the steam library. The games reappeared as installed, but then I got errors that cloud sync had failed and the games wouldn't run. So I'm guessing there is some drive id associated with the installs, and the "User Session Defaults" causes the drive to have a different id or something? Or possibly I set the steam library base directory to the wrong value. I eventually changed the mount options and put back "User Session Defaults". So the games work again but the drive doesn't mount on startup again.

[–] [email protected] 49 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Trump isn’t president yet. But still it’s a good sign that he can’t just use bully tactics to get what he wants.

He has no negotiation skills. No real political capital. And he’s despised by most of the leaders who support him only transactionally. His only trick will be lies and threats and Elon’s propaganda site. So maybe he won’t be able to do as much damage as we feared.

But what do I know. I thought he’d be in jail by now.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I’ve been thinking of a few prominent people in real life who should be visited by three ghosts. What if we woke up on Christmas and all of the sudden Trump and Musk weren’t selfish and evil?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Oh good I was looking for this comment.

If this is really a Forbes article (it’s just a picture not a link), it is one of an endless stream of opinion pieces by monied interests that pit the populace against each other to distract what the billionaire oligarchs are doing.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

It’s a better fence post than the one pictured

[–] [email protected] 95 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Hey why not proofread your articles a little better? The first letter is a typo, never seen that before.

Un an interview that's got everyone talking, Robert Downey Jr has finally addressed the elephant in the room; those persistent comparisons between Elon Musk and the character Tony Stark.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago
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