Seems like the next logical step though
Huh, I found OnePotato always crashed on me at some point relatively early in the game (potato 5 or 6?), and the dev has completely abandoned the project. (Source: The dev said it in the game's Discord I was part of)
All games browser playable unless stated otherwise.
FairGame - a multiplayer incremental. Looks simple but isn't (unless you start late). New rounds start every few days, if you miss the beginning just hang about for a bit, or ask in chat for tactics/strategies.
PedroPascalsTrianglesofPrestige - a game written for the April Fool's game jam last year. Don't let the timer trick you, this game should be completable within 5-6 years.
Louigi Verona's Bliss - I quite like his games and his website has more listed.
PPToP2 written for this year's April Fool's jam.
Emoji Recycling Centre - also made for this year's April Fool's game jam. It's slow, meditative, thoughtful and one of the best games I've played in a very long time.
Fundamental - I spent ages on the first world trying to do everything in one go. Madness. Someone took me by the hand and gently slapped me around the head and now I'm cranking through it.
Anti-Idle:The Game - Flash standalone, downloadable from the dev's Google drive. This game is the reason I created a Kongregate account back in ... 2011, it appears! 14 years of playing it and still not bored (although I have specific things I do now, such as defeating the Legendary monster in FCG because I do l like a CCG)
Cividlization 3 is out as early access/testing. Get in early!
I saw Neil Young live once, back at the end of the 80s. He was ... very good.
PPToP2 is a cracker, isn't it? I'm currently doing the final square (not sure if I have to clear the final block after it). I love asterisk_man's games, they're always an adventure in thinking outside the box.
I know, and paying for a server on which to host the game adds another level of difficulty, but a girl can dream.
Proper multi-player support. Where MP is a core part of the game and it's very difficult to play without - I'm not talking a market where players sell resources/goods. This can mean that it's possible that large groups come together to close other players out of the game, but developers have to design around that, and quite possibly design the game to ensure it can't happen.
Game design needs more creativity and exploration, I feel like there's been very little progress at all in the last 25 years. Graphics and music are better, but the core game loop? Same, same, same.
Embeds do not work in titles. Filed away to recreate this exact thing again and again until I remember.
(I've since been told I should be creating a new LINK post, not a text post. Forgive this lowly creature its mistakes)
It's really cool your anti-depressants are working. It can be a slog to find the one that does it for you, but I'm glad you're there, or thereabouts.
Been playing through the April Fools games this week - and finally getting somewhere with Fundamental!
I mean, yes, we're seeing a general rapacity balloon out of control, but hey, electric vehicles will make everything better.