Pairs well with: Power word: sanctuary
Come on, somebody's got to link that video of the cameraman feeding the actors donuts
I love that recognizable Foglio style. MTG lost a lot of soul when they homogenized and codified their digital art standards.
Yeah but then we get to be big and green, or stretchy, or invisible etcetera
It's not that they were breaking the rules, it's that they were preying on vulnerable people.
If you want to talk about Jesus' relationship with rules, look at the people he chose to spend time with -- outcasts and social undesirables. Rulebreakers. Vulnerable people, people who didn't have the luxury of pondering where stealing bread lies morally when you're starving.
And look at his response to the question about which commandment was the most important: "If you thought it was about the rules, you missed the point".
It is a great theme. Both intro and outro.
Team A was off making Bloodborne. They came back for 3.
carbon bap
Yeah but I keep trying to pipe the output back into the original file which ends up empty due to how pipe and redirect interact.
I know there must be a grown-up way to do it but I inevitably resort to writing it to filename2 and then running mv filename2 filename.
I'm in Lavender Town
In the new testament, Jesus went and braided a whip out of leather -- a process which takes several hours, meaning this was cold rage and not hot impulse -- and proceeded to thrash the shit out of a bunch of people profiteering off of religion.
Oh. I thought the alien was the third wheel.