No big surprise here, stars/star reviews are in general completely worthless. I don't really even bother with them anymore.
catch22 - how does this make games better?
Just had a similar issue a few days ago, where my system would freeze and spent 2 days trying to solve it. Ran a memory test, no issues. Tried NVIDIA drivers 470,535 and 550 with different combinations of the kernel including 6.x and 5.x (make sure you're using generic). Issue was still there, grabbed a copy of windows and tried it there, same issue. That narrowed it down to a hardware issue. Started tweaking the bios and found the problem was a pcie gen issue, my motherboard was automatically setting it to 5 which was causing the crash I set it to 3, no more problems. You could use the same techniques to narrow down your problem as well. (Nothing was ever reported in any logs since it was a hard freeze, which made this a huge pain in the ass to fix)
Good luck with that....