Is suckless a distro? I thought it was just a collection of software
Careful who you're calling ding dong. It might just be yourself.
Kde plasma on what distro lol
In my 20s currently. I only got socks and underwear and I am very pleased about it.
Lol go to Korea and see all the other consumer facing stuff. LG shampoo if you want.
1 second per kb lol
sudo apt install firefox
This is all that needs to be said.
Where is this from? I'd be interested in hearing what they're saying here.
Chromium is open source, Google bases their Chrome off of it, but Chrome is not open source.
Point: missed
Equity comes out of the idea that people don't all have the same ability or means to do things. Equity is the leveling of the playing field so that no matter someone's level of intelligence, economic background, or any other efficiency/deficiency, everyone has the same opportunity to participate.
Equality gives staircases to everyone. In this case, not everyone can go up a floor. Equity builds ramps, lifts, or both. In this case everyone has an equal opportunity to go up a floor. You can't have equal opportunity without equity.
Distros probably have a kernel though