I watched the video. The wall would not fool a human with object permanence.
Anyone who is fooled, is likely impaired enough that they are not legal to drive.
I watched the video. The wall would not fool a human with object permanence.
Anyone who is fooled, is likely impaired enough that they are not legal to drive.
As a human who watches the video, I can say no. The wall would not have fooled me.
More than one test failed.
The Tesla failed the heavy rain and the heavy fog tests.
There's zero excuse to fail either of those tests. But the Tesla killed the kid both times.
The wall test was just to show that the Tesla cannot put together optical clues.
The other two tests that the Tesla failed were more realistic. Heavy fog and heavy rain.
It failed both.
If your self driving car cannot handle weather, then it's not self driving at all.
Actual lidar isn't fooled by weather. Shitty optical only cameras are.
I do know that NAFTA is gone. Trump got rid of that one during his first term
There was a replacement deal that Trump has now renegged on.
He called it a great deal at the time... I'll let actual experts way in on the truth of that.
Small cuts can be sealed with medical grade super glue. Also, the thought is that Trump was hit by glass or other debris. Not the bullet itself.
Very little in life is staged. I've worked in a theatre, with professional actors, and it still takes weeks of work to pull off a play.
This also includes some improv work.
So the very first thing you have to acknowledge is that Trump would never do the work needed to pull off anything staged. He can read (sort of) a speech written by someone else, but the smarmy bastard cannot act to save his life.
The next thing here, Crooks was using live rounds. And killed a guy behind Trump. Trump would never allow his own life to be put at risk.
And third, Crooks was a notoriously bad shot. He was kicked out of his highschool gun club over it and some safety violations.
The kid was a mass shooter in waiting who just so happened to come across an opportunity to shoot a former president. And he blew it, just one more failure to add to the pile that was his life.
Everyone should ditch expensive fighters. The future is drones. Cheap drones.
Launch a thousand, and if a couple make it and make the kill, then that money was well spent.
Drone and anti-drone warfare is the new normal.
Measles also resets your immune system, making other illnesses deadly again.
Back in the day you'd survive Smallpox, then get Measles, then get Smallpox again.
These days, I guess it will be Covid and the Flu killing most people.
Cheese? only use American and only in extremely hot areas.
The real joy is using slices of bologna.
Or, if you want to go hard, get some sponges and soak them in acetone. But that's not for Cybertrucks. They need lemon juice and salt. Just mix up a batch and fill a squirt gun.
It's doubtful that they killed him, he was just a kid when they took him. They have him squirrelled away somewhere, having gone through heavy indoctrination. Just waiting for the Dali Lama to die.
A bucket list is usually "a list of things to do before you die" i.e. kick the bucket.
I can see how your use is correct, but it also doesn't feel right, which is 90% of language.
To my ear, saying that Futurama is simply "on the list" just sounds better.
Another option would be saying that the show is in your backlog.
But, use bucket list enough, and sooner or later that will sound correct. Because that's also how language works.