The point is that they are supposed to be a neutral party. It doesn't matter if they are pro-Trump or not, what matters is that they are a fucking privacy service. I don't want my privacy beholden to any party affiliation. I don't want to worry if my information is going to be sold to whomever the party-du-jour is. I want the security that comes with the understanding that my privacy is what is most important to them. When they get on a rant about who does what and to whom, I have to wonder if that means that they'll serve my info up on a silver platter when I start getting emails from a party they don't like. I don't give a fuck what they said about either party, what I give a fuck about is what any of it means for the information that passes through their system. I need some aspect of my fucking life to be party agnostic. As it stands, I'm not even sure I can count on my fucking refrigerator to not report back what brands of beer I buy because some company may or may not support Trans rights. Just give me a goddamned moment's peace while I filter my junk mail.
This is kinda the premise to a book I'm reading called Head of the class by Tao Wong and Jason Willis.
He can disrespectfully fuck himself, too.
Uh-oh. Hot dog.
Did you bother to watch it? Or are you just posting a video in hopes that people will think that you've found evidence against my viewpoint without doing the research. Because, in the video he says basically everything in My comment and in OP.
There was another one, don't know if it was from the same list or not, but it was the all beet diet. Just beets. Season and cook them however you want, but that is all you are allowed to have. Period. My stepdad did the diet and nearly lost his goddamned mind.
What I came in to say. He's a curmudgeon. A genius, but not the most personable.
If you can look at my profile and come to the conclusion I'm a Chinese bot, then I wonder if the American education system is truly that far behind the European.
Lmao. You call America "colonies" in the same breath you say you don't want to get involved in others politics. Europe was built on exactly that. America was a European colony. The only reason Europe stopped colonizing is because you were too broke after World War II to continue. You didn't "learn a lesson", you got your asses kicked by an art school drop out. All you Europeans like to pretend you are so enlightened, but you're just too broke to go back to your old ways. Like a crackhead who says they've kicked the habit, but really they can't afford the fix. As soon as you get a little bit if that juice you are right back on your bullshit. The hard swing to the right in European politics is evidence enough of that.
Could be from the Pacific North West if that ceiling were 3 foot lower.