ones black, ones grey, In the right light, it really can be difficult to tell who's who.
Dodger is also curious about my nonsense.
Bear wants to know wtf Im doing.
Ncis episode Tim traced ThE mOsT dAnGeRoUs HaCkEr iN tHe WoRlD to an internal 192.168.something. I do not remember how it was resolved because I was laughing too hard.
(the whole two person keyboard thi g early in the series was an intentional gag, so it doesn't count)
done. pretty please don't let them send me Binax again those are a pain in the ass compared to iHealth.
At some point it suddenly occurred to me one as actually thinking about Leto. Still... Tho... Wasn't there something?
my usage tanked a lot when he took over, but it's more or less done for good when tweetdeck went premium. I check in on one account now, and occasionally still bitch at customer service accounts. Other than that, Im at mastodon and bluesky.
"what do I want to watch" is stupid hard, cmon. I spend most of my time watching the roku screen saver.
How? If it's not on my plex it's probably on a friends.
I'm tired of this expensive fragmented bullshit.
Current Device: Pixel 7 Pro
Previous: Galaxy S4, LGG4, S8, S10e.
Got the Pixel because there was a sale plus a really good trade value on the s10e
It's fine.
Im not a heavy phone user. Im not doing a whole lot of gaming or videos or developing or whatever power users do, and it suits my needs. There are a few things I miss from Samsung, but overall the UI is fine and the battery is normally loads better than anything Ive had in a couple of years.
Pixel 7 Pro and a Samsung Gear S3 watch (that I hope to upgrade to Galaxy 6 Classic)
The only thing I really miss about my samsung phones (s4, s8, s10e) is that the screen was a whole lot brighter (could see just fine at 50% brightness most of the time, whereas my Pixel requires it to be 80 and up) and that while I prefer dark themes, I really don't like the 'white print on black' because the contrast bothers me. Samsung Themes had all kinds of different colors. Also the size was a lot to get used to, but thats common on just about all flagships now
wait wait wait....would it be only super bowls or superb owls?
He has so many judgment faces its ridiculous. For instance, here's a mild variation of "what the fuck is wrong with you?"![what the fuck is wrong with you?](
And "you are so full of shit"
Bear's got her own set, though they tend to lean more towards "idiot peasant."