
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Works very well on vanilla docker compose as well. Annotate containers with labels and it will wire itself up automagically. It’s wonderful.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

There’s really compelling open source models like Zonos coming out; ElevenLabs will need to figure out how to thread the needle to keep everyone happy while other solutions eat into the pie.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

We didn’t stop trying to make faster, safer and more fuel efficient cars after Model T, even though it can get us from place A to place B just fine. We didn’t stop pushing for digital access to published content, even though we have physical libraries. Just because something satisfies a use case doesn’t mean we should stop advancing technology.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I’ve never been a Twitterific user, even back when everyone was on it. The UI never really made sense to me because it always felt lacking. But maybe that minimalistic approach is their entire schtick, and their former users that enjoyed their style would buy it right up.

On a similar thought, I think if Tapbots made a similar aggregator, I’d buy it in a heart beat.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Apple TV’s hardware is just so much more capable than other platforms that they’ve just been coasting along the last several generations of ”Apple TV 4K”. Our over 7 years old Gen 1 is still super capable and the only reason we picked up Gen 3 is so we can get the Thread radio in a centralized location. As an Apple user, I’m extremely glad there’s going to be a new competitor in the space, which will hopefully push Apple further along the innovation path.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Ask it for a second opinion on medical conditions.

Sounds insane but they are leaps and bounds better than blindly Googling and self prescribe every condition there is under the sun when the symptoms only vaguely match.

Once the LLM helps you narrow in on a couple of possible conditions based on the symptoms, then you can dig deeper into those specific ones, learn more about them, and have a slightly more informed conversation with your medical practitioner.

They’re not a replacement for your actual doctor, but they can help you learn and have better discussions with your actual doctor.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

If you can serve content locally without tunnel (ie no CGNAT or port block by ISP), you can configure your server to respond only to cloudflare IP range and your intranet IP range; slap on the Cloudflare origin cert for your domain, and trust it for local traffic; enable orange cloud; and tada. Access from anywhere without VPN; externally encrypted between user <> cloudflare and cloudflare <> your service; internally encrypted between user <> service; and only internally, or someone via cloudflare can access it. You can still put the zero trust SSO on your subdomain so Cloudflare authenticates all users before proxying the actual request.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It is pretty clear that you have less of an inclination against Seagate than my experience dictates me to. Stats can be twisted to tell anything, and my twist on what I’m seeing tells me to steer away from Seagate; your interpretation can most certainly differ.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

AFR is a percentage, 1 drive from a pool of 10 means 10%, 5 drives from 100 means 5%; so with regards to your point that they don’t have much WD drives, if they don’t have much WD, then each fail is even more detrimental on the chart, therefore making the data even more impactful. The data also showed the average across all manufactures and you can see clearly Seagate being consistently above the average quarter over quarter. The failure rate is annualized, so age of drive is also factored into the consideration.

When there’s a clear trend of higher failure rate represented as a percentage, I’m not going to volunteer my data, NAS or otherwise, as tribute to brand loyalty from a manufacture that’s gone downhill from the decades past.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Way back when SSD were prohibitively expensive for poor student me way back when, they came up with Momentus XT; I don’t know if they were the first hybrid HDD/SSD, but it was my first foray into flash storage. I had the earlier version with controller such that should the flash memory dies, I’d still have access to the HDD.

It, was, glorious…

I hear you. The brand is really not what we remembered them to be.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

WD has been treating me well, but the most recent batch had been hgst he10 from server part deals from a couple years back so I can’t comment on the more recent drives.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This morning, when I launched Voyager, my settings were reset. I suspect the app may have upgraded and something caused the preferences to be lost. This wasn’t the first time it happened, and who knows if the underlying conditions triggering this reset would happen again.

It would be nice if we can export our preferences into a json file (or whatever format serializes easiest), and re-import them next time the preferences gets lost, so we don’t need to manually make all the changes.


SkyTrain’s King George Station is temporarily closed from Saturday, Apr. 27 until mid-June while we complete multiple infrastructure maintenance works, including the replacement of an original component from when the station opened in 1992.

**Who’s affected: **Customers who ride the SkyTrain to and from King George Station.

**What do I need to do: **During this time, the terminus station for the Expo Line in Surrey is at Surrey Central Station instead of King George Station. Customers should plan for an additional 15 minutes of travel time if they use King George.

  • Customers who normally arrive by bus at King George Station to connect to the SkyTrain should stay on the bus to continue to Surrey Central Station.

    • The 345 King George Station/White Rock Centre, 394 White Rock/King George Station Express, and 395 Langley Centre/King George Station buses will all stop at King George Station, then continue to Surrey Central Station.
    • When connecting from SkyTrain to bus, customers should board their bus at Surrey Central Station.
  • Trains are arriving and departing for Waterfront Station at Surrey Central Station using both platforms, so check the screens for the next train.

  • Between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. on weekdays, a SkyTrain replacement bus is operating every 15 minutes between Bay 2 at King George Station and a temporary stop on City Parkway at Surrey Central Station.

  • Know before you go — plan your trip at and sign up for Transit Alerts at

Additional details:

  • During the closure, Expo Line service will operate Waterfront to Braid, Waterfront to Production Way–University, Waterfront to Surrey Central Station.
  • Customers who currently use the passenger pickup/drop-off zone at King George Station can access parking lots at Surrey Central Station to access SkyTrain service.
  • The Bike Parkade at King George Station will remain accessible.
  • Currently, there is a HandyDART passenger pickup/drop-off zone at King George Station; this will be closed. For the duration of the station closure, HandyDART service will continue as normal at Surrey Central and other stations.

**What’s happening: **We’re closing the station temporarily to replace a portion of the tracks called the turnout that allows trains to change tracks and direction at King George Station. It has reached the end of its service life. We’re also taking advantage of the closure to complete other work:

  • Replacing a section of power rail between King George and Surrey Central station. These rails are what provide power to the SkyTrain cars, allowing trains to move.
  • Realigning our guideway intrusion monitoring systems and preparing station platform to receive the longer Mark V trains that will enter service by the end of the year.
  • Elevator inspections, fibre optic cable replacement, station deep cleaning, and various asset repair and replacements that can be completed quickly and efficiently while the station is closed.

**Zoom out: **TransLink’s Maintenance and Upgrade Program is making investments in aging infrastructure across the system to keep customers safe, comfortable, and moving across a reliable transit network every day. For more information and to learn more, please visit


Due to the decentralized nature, and multiple communities on same subject exist across multiple instances, it is not uncommon for people to be subscribed to multiple communities of the same subject. It is also not uncommon for people to submit the same thing to multiple communities of the same subject, thereby resulting in multiple posts of the same content appearing in the feed. Cross post or not, the duplicated content clutter the feed, making it more difficult to consume content quickly.

I think it would be helpful to declutter by hiding/collapsing these posts. A possible implementation could be to keep an index of post titles, author, and submission time; then hide/collapse (cross)posts with same title, submitted by the same author, within some time interval (say for example +/- 1hr). That way the feed wouldn’t be as cluttered.

I understand cross referencing each post against other known posts is an exponentially large task, and could be very resources consuming, so even with the time range filter, it would be prudent to make this an option and likely disable by default to prevent performance issues.

It may be nice to inform the user on the post itself that there are other similar discussions, if they’re interested for other comments/interactions, but that’d be a nice to have in the future kind of thing.


I have too many machines floating around, some virtual, some physical, and they're getting added and removed semi-frequently as I play around with different tools/try out ideas. One recurring pain point is I have no easy way to manage SSH keys around them, and it's a pain to deal with adding/removing/cycling keys. I know I can use AuthorizedKeysCommand on sshd_config to make the system fetch a remote key for validation, I know I could theoretically publish my pub key to github or alike, but I'm wondering if there's something more flexible/powerful where I can manage multiple users (essentially roles) such that each machine can be assigned a role and automatically allow access accordingly?

I've seen Keyper before, but the container haven't been updated for years, and the support discord owner actively kicks everyone from the server, even after asking questions.

Is there any other solution out there that would streamline this process a bit?


Figured I’d share my finding here…

I got the notification for iOS 16.5.1(c) rapid security response today. Despite hearing about it breaking some sites forcing Apple to pull the update a couple weeks back from a podcast (I want to say ATP but I can’t find it in the show notes so I can’t link to the episode), I decided to install it anyway. After installing and restarting the phone, I found almost nothing works. My games spins forever, all web browsers never loads any website, but surprisingly, iMessages were flowing through.

I poked around a bit, turning wifi off and on again, using cellular data only, toggle between roaming network, etc. and nothing worked. Then I noticed the little VPN icon that flashes by so I went and disabled AdGuard VPN and things seems to work again.

Originally I uninstalled the rapid security patch, and things worked again, but then I realized I’d rather put up with some ads than deal with whatever security ramifications not having the patch would cause. Bearing in mind: the intent of these rapid security patches is that Apple thinks these patches are of utmost urgency (I.E. security issue that’s actively exploited in the wild) and they don’t want to slow people down with a big iOS upgrade, so they release and apply these patches quickly. I ended up reinstalling the patch, and turned off my AdGuard in the mean time. Hopefully AdGuard catches up and release a fix next version or two.

Anyway figured I’d drop the note here in case if anyone else is searching on their Mac trying to figure out why their iPhone isn’t working after that patch.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


First thing first, I'm new to the whole Fediverse, and Lemmy thing, so please don't hesitate to point out any problems you're foreseeing.

Secondly, I'm by no means saying this is the ideal implementation, something something see above. Please don't hesitate to make recommendations for improvements.

Lastly, I'm not sure if it is completely working. I'm still noticing a few issues that I will document and monitor towards the end of the post. If you know of the cause or how to debug further, please do let me know!

Notes and Assumptions:

  1. I am using an ARM server. So I'm using ARM images, you will need to make sure you're using the correct architecture image.
  2. I assume you have Traefik up and running in a separate network. I used docker compose to bring traefik up, minimal configurations, and I'm just hijacking the default network there (project folder was gateway so the complete network name is gateway_default)... there's probably better ways to do this.
  3. On note of networks, I really don't like the fact that the default postgres was left wide open on the lemmyexternalproxy network. I think I've locked my down, but you may wish to double check my work.
  4. I'm not sure if what I am doing with the hostnames are correct, but it seems to work for the most part, so I'm not complaining. If there is a better way, please do advise!
  5. I used an override file for docker compose to apply extra settings. This allows me to keep the original docker-compose.yml untouched, and I can just pull in new changes (theoretically).
  6. Since I'm using traefik, I don't need nginx running doing nothing. I replaced it with a light weight alpine image that just shuts down successfully, so it doesn't use resources.

Without further delays, here's my files:


version: "3.3"

    internal: true
    name: gateway_default
    external: true

    image: dessalines/lemmy:0.17-linux-arm64
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy.entrypoints=websecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy.rule=Host(``) && HeadersRegexp(`Accept`, `^application/`) || Host(``) && Method(`POST`) || Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/{path:(api|pictrs|feeds|nodeinfo|.well-known)}`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy.tls=true"
      - ""
      - ""
      - lemmygateway
    image: dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.17-linux-arm64
      - LEMMY_UI_HOST=
      - LEMMY_UI_HTTPS=true
      - LEMMY_UI_DEBUG=false
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy-ui.entrypoints=websecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy-ui.rule=Host(``)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.lemmy-ui.tls=true"
      - ""
      - ""
      - lemmygateway
    image: alpine:latest
    command: "true"
    entrypoint: "true"
    restart: "no"
    image: asonix/pictrs:0.4.0-rc.3


  setup: {
    admin_username: "chiisana"
    admin_password: "password-redacted-duh"
    site_name: "chiisana lemmy site"
  database: {
    host: "postgres"
    user: "lemmy"
    password: "password-redacted-duh"
    database: "lemmy"
  email: {
    smtp_server: ""
    smtp_login: "[email protected]"
    smtp_password: "password-redacted-duh"
    smtp_from_address: "[email protected]"
    tls_type: "tls"
  pictrs: {
    url: "http://pictrs:8080/"
    api_key: "API_KEY"
  hostname: ""
  bind: ""
  port: 8536
  tls_enabled: true

Known issue(s)?

  1. ~~I have my registration disabled as the instance is supposed to be just for my own auth not be depended on other instances. In my /admin section, I'm seeing a ton of users from pop up as banned users. I have no idea what that is about, as seems to also be used only by one user. I'll be monitoring this and see what's to come of it.~~ Edit: Looks like this is just the way the system is designed, and not a configuration error on my part! All good here. Thanks for clarifying it @[email protected] !
  2. I'm not sure if I'm getting all the messages federated. In this community, for example, I can see most if not all recent threads. However, most threads have no comments in it. Some newer threads, I see comments, but it seems to be incomplete. I'm not sure if I'm only supposed to receive new messages, or if something else is happening. I'll be monitoring this, and hoping the federation will just catch up over time.
  3. Edit: It would appear this post itself is not federating to [email protected] for some reason... I'm partially hoping it is just caught in some kind of moderation queue, but seeing other posts made after this appear on the list leads me to believe there's still something amiss.

If you encounter any other issue, please do post back so we can try to debug it together. Hope this helps someone!

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