John Frusciante has spoken!
joined 1 year ago
Ratio! - R.Caspers
Jep, es ist sehr ratsam, sich nicht im Sende-Kegel von militärischen Radar-Antennen aufzuhalten. :D
How about some Billy Talent? Love them musically, but lyrically they are equally strong. Some songs that come to mind are: -Reckless paradise -Kingdom of Zod -Surprise surprise -Dead silence
Additionally I'd add Paramore's 'The news' from their recent album.
For anyone interested, there is a nice video series on these comics by "CosmicSkeptic" on Youtube. He discusses some of the memes, but brings them nicely into a philosophical context at the same time.
Funny coincidence, I've recently watched a video by TechnologyConnections on dishwashers and thought about the hot water connection thing. Here in Europe our dishwashers are usually connected to hot water, whereas the washing machine is only connected to cold... wondered about that difference, too.