
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 180 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (21 children)

Funny - it's the same for roughly 50% of Americans too - which is horrifying.

👁️ 👁️

Edit: sorry it was more than 50% of Americans. Fuck everyone. Goodbye.

[–] [email protected] 39 points 3 months ago (6 children)

This can't be real

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 months ago

Ah so everything is going exactly to plan then.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago

You're welcome.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago
[–] [email protected] 72 points 3 months ago (25 children)

Looking at the captions in the image...

How could you be married to someone who supports Trump if you don't also support Trump. This just doesn't make sense or even seem safe to me.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago

Hope you have a great view of all the dead children up there on your moral high ground.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 4 months ago

I would trust Ernest P Worrell with my life. I wouldn't trust RFK to tie my shoe.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Yeah, they are called bag worms around here.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 months ago

Since Vance is clearly a normal gay guy, he would def know.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


I had a good long think. I was doing the ADHD thing to try to fix the ADHD thing.

I was searching online for an alternative and I found a free launcher for android (I have a pixel 6a) called Olauncher. (Olauncher is FOSS btw)

Long story short - my phone is now a Light Phone Pro

Here's what I did:

1: install Olauncher.

2: color correct my phone to grayscale.

3: delete all of superfluous apps (ie things I can get to from the browser- duckduckgo)

4: use Olauncher to hide all the baked in apps and duplicate apps (apps that show on the home screen/pull-down shortcut and in the applist (mostly system apps))

5: turn off ALL my notifications save for txt and phone (and Instagram - my wife sends me things there, I don't use it, but I like to see the things she sends me.)

6: installed a matte screen protector

7: Turned on Night Light and Extra Dim, and keep them on always.

After all of that... I have gone from a phone trying to grab my attention from 100 different apps to a distraction free phone black and White eye safe phone with 20 total apps between the home screen and launcher.

So I canceled my Light phone pre-order and bought a new synth module instead.

If this sounds cool or helpful or you want a more detailed write up with screenshots, I'd be happy to detail it further.

Okay bye!

Light Phone 3 (

So, I preordered the Light Phone 3? I considered the 2 for a while but it is just to clunky with its eink screen, texting would be a nightmare.

What are y'all's thoughts on the new design? Do you think minimalist phones are worth it?


[Switched to Proton Experimental and everything is working flawlessly.]


I have Baldurs Gate 3 and Cyberpunk on GoG - I just tried to install them using Heroic Launcher.

Cyberpunk will open the CDProjekt launcher, but then the game wont start. Baldur will say running - but its not running at all.

I've seen other people saying these games just pretty much work straight up when using Heroic and Im not quite sure what to troubleshoot here as I've not use heroic before (regardless, I got further with Heroic than i did with Lutris for GoG)

Any one else hit these snags? Let me know what information you need from me and i will gladly provide it, im still a linux noob, but can find what ya need if you can tell me what I need to provide to help trouble shoot.

Im using Pop_os.

Thank you in advance!


No idea what to make with it yet, but it's gonna be something!!

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So - heres a weird one.

Everything was completely fine until last night and I have no idea what has changed at all.

When my screen sits idle for more than a second it get fuzzy and blurry. Then it will pulse from fuzzy to clear about every second.

Every letter I type causes the screen to flash clear, but then immediately goes back to fuzzy after I release the key. Mousing over an entity that causes an interaction does the same thing.

It is not the HDMI cable. Ive tried 3 cables. Its not my HDMI switch, I've changed all the cable and swapped ports around several times.

I have a SAMSUNG 43 UHD TV (60hz) that I use as my monitor. It is set to Dynamic Display in Game Mode. This has worked with no issues at all for 6+ months.

I ran some system updates 2 days ago, but the issue didn't start until last night. Also - its intermittent - so I'm at a total fucking loss. Reboots/Resets of varying types have not seemed to help.

Any ideas? let me know what else you need from me - Im still a relatively new linux user so be gentle.

Thank you in advance


We all know America has a massive problem with sprawl and mandatory parking minimums, however there does seem to be a trend of easing these arbitrary minimums. With that said, we still have massive parking lots with nothing happening.

What is preventing that land from being leased and turned into solar farms? Or for that matter - active parking lots? Why not build raised structure to put solar farms over top of parking lots - not just here in the us - but everywhere?

Pro being ... Energy? Shade for cars? Something to look at other parking lots?

Cons being... Safety? Shady people in shady places? Something to look at other than solar farms?

I know there are articles on this - but just wanted to hear y'all's thoughts on it since it's been rattling in my head for a minute.


I started playing this a week ago, I've already purchased 6 decks. I started playing MTG at the tail end of 4th edition but the direction hasbro too mtg really turned me off - since discovering this, I really feel like this will fill my tcg void.

You all have any tips / tricks? Good wats to build a collection? How to get started in constructed?



Just wondering what you did. I am using Pop_os.

I installed it with Steam and it seems to almost boot, then crashes, I figure it's just because it's beta - maybe it'll be more stable and work when it actually launches.

Or maybe not because anti cheat - who's know, just looks fun.

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