@TheArstaInventor off topic
i dmed him asking if he planned on dealing with this, didn't reply to me :I
profoundly obnoxious username you say?
yikes, that mod is sitting on a lot of big name mags. probably ran to snatch the name up
i am starting to post in these mags, just made a post in @coolguides. we need to be the change we want to see and start generating content
edit: i have posted numerous times in several mags now. imagine if everyone reading this post submitted at least one?
i hear a lot about this one, to this day i refuse to watch it. i cant stand audio in tragic videos. i dont recommend anyone watch it. if you feel to curious, read about the contents instead and save yourself the trauma
I watched 1 & 2 recently and was impressed by the sfx in it, it was cool. I didnt really enjoy #2 as much as #1, it felt super silly, especially how Pinhead immediately switched gears at the word human lol.
just watched oculus due to this recommendation, wild fucking ride. very enjoyable and unique. was glad to not see another supernatural formulaic jump-scare based 'horror' movie. has its flaws, but i recommend it to others.
huge fan of hereditary, my #1 fave :)
@TheArstaInventor off topic