Not a bad idea, so long as it doesn't bring the toxic assholes too :Þ
Looks cool
Bottlescrew Bills are sooooooooo good
^ I get sent these press releases from Live Nation. Will post the good ones up here.
That sounds so.... complicated. Like, almost a coin toss to see if your post or comment will actually end up being allowed lol. I've always tried to mod reddit with a very laid back but fair approach.
I don't miss that place at all. It's cool to connect with other locals but reddit is such a hive of villainy and egos that it's really hard to find common ground simply because you live in the same area. So many other subs at least have something in common between users, a video game, a celebrity, a topic.... but a location? It's rough. That being said, being a mod in that place is not easy. For whatever reason it has a huge handful of super toxic users that will willingly do whatever they can to cause havoc, get themselves suspended, make a new account... rinse and repeat forever. It's super pathetic but a big part of life there. A lot of dudes in their 30s/40s/50s behaving like edgy teens.
I'm still a mod in r/Alberta but don't actively do very much these days to be honest. I don't look at modmail or take part in any direction or decision making, though I do occasionally handle some reports. It's also a sub that is very complicated and filled with political drama, which isn't really my thing. Lots of screeching.
I actually liked Texasnorth too lol though not for what he said (I disagree with pretty much all of his opinions) but with him you at least knew what you were getting. Always pretty straight forward. Not really hateful comments but just very passionate in his political beliefs. I did spot a new account of his in the wild and messaged him to confirm and say hi, after TN was suspended, but no idea where he might be today. I'd assume still on reddit somewhere. He once told me his name so I can confirm that if I do ever come across him again.
I've been on Lemmy for about 4 years now though pretty sporadically, and just on the OG (but I've heard not great things about the founders that run it). Always prefer a locally grown option if there is one. is super fast! Quite digging it so far.
While on the topic of subs and moderation, I have r/YYC on reddit, though I've kept it private. I recently had an idea for it but I'm not sure how it would play out in reality. With the latest reddit admin bullshit I don't expect to do much with it anymore. The app I use (reddit is fun) is going away and fuck that :( - just was thinking of a different approach to a community.
No idea about parking myself, since I live down here and don't have a car.
I'm not sure what you mean by bullshit free, that's pretty ambiguous. What you consider bullshit might not be for someone else etc. That said I think I'm pretty good with moderation, in general. I helped mod r/Calgary for I think 7 years? before it became too much. So much toxicity and drama, it was making me miserable and wasting my time over the most trivial of things. I still use reddit but haven't used that sub since I left so I'm not even sure what it's like now. I still see it sometimes when people drop links to posts in my Discord server but that's about it.
For this place... I would personally roll with the same basic rules has:
- no posting/commenting with hate/racism/bigotry
- no spamming
- no sharing private info like names/phone numbers/etc
- posts must be relevant to Calgary in some way
Don't give a shit to babysit people, they can just block someone if they don't want to communicate with them. It's cool when people agree to disagree. Not everyone will agree with everything else but as long as you can share your feelings in a civil way, good stuff.
This place seems small and new enough where deeper conversations could be possible. There will probably be one-offs where someone will refuse to stop being a huge toxic asshole to everyone else, but I imagine that would infrequent, especially with the mini-application to even create an account.
Downtown can be so hit or miss. Friday and Saturday nights are pretty busy, but outside of that, it can definitely feel pretty empty. There's been a long tradition of most businesses down here closing at 6pm and a lot of people only coming downtown for work... so they go home.
I'm sure it'd be a different story of most of the buildings weren't empty office towers lol
I'd be happy to mod it :p
I share a bunch of local news to Facebook and this is going to be a little annoying, but, I'll deal. I'm thinking about using AI to write a short summary of the news article and then creating a blog post of my own to have that, then linking to the source? Something like that. Or I can summarize news in images? Will have to see how it's actually implemented.