Still didn't critically break any of the good operating systems though. Because no other operating system would run Crowdstrike as a critical "must be present" driver.
I, you, they, them
They could just straight up drain your balls and leave them drier than the Sahara desert.
You can say it's legitimate interest, doesn't make it true.
"Pay me 5 Bitcoin or I'll give you an errection in front of the HR manager."
Or worse
"Pay me 5 Bitcoin or you'll never get an errection again.*
Oh, if only there was real database support like Mariadb or Postgres...
Nope, we will be burning the fossil fuels the whole time the nuclear plant is being built.
That's why fossil fuel giants and right wingers are banking on nuclear, because it'll be a free pass to burn burn burn.
Because the money is better spent elsewhere.
Yet if we plan for nuclear it'll be like "oh no, we've had project delays and cost blowouts" like they do every time and we will just burn fossil fuels the whole time and die anyway.
Also the anti nuclear green think tanks are called educated people. And all you'd need to do is look at the European failures and shut downs to know the costs don't add up.
Yeah, principles.
The principles that it won't be profitable for 50+ years if at all.
And it will mean we are stuck with fossil fuels for just as long.
So I'm all for doing anything to survive, preferably sometime in the last 50 years.
The problem with nuclear is it gives fossil fuel giants a free pass to try speedrun killing the planet before it even arrives.
If we plan for nuclear, we plan to do nothing for 50 years.
1d65 radiant damage per day in perpetuity
Because they're not some parasitic company that needs to buy up and incentivise games to come to your platform.
Releasing on steam deck will bring more sales. I don't even own a steam deck and will only buy steam deck titles myself.