I’m 35 and I learned two spaces in school growing up :shrug:
Then later I learned it had changed so I stopped doing it. :double shrug:
Since I feel safe assuming you’re in the Midwest lol…looks like you’ve got yourself a Cooper’s Hawk, likely. They look like red tailed hawks from the front but a little bit smaller, but the big clue that says Cooper’s is the stripey tail feathers. Three well-defined stripes, to be exact, with a white edge at the very tip of the tail.
I’m saying your initial question is problematic and a bit silly if we’re having such a hard time categorizing things between natural and supernatural. It isn’t that weird a place to start a discussion. I’m in the camp of people who thinks 1) the burden of proof is on the person making the claim, I.e. you, and 2) it’s difficult to discuss whether a thing exists if you cannot first define the thing.
Okay those are pretty dope though, come on.