@[email protected]
that's awesome
@[email protected]
there's a wonderful critique by Robert Hughes in "Shock of The New" of these.
I think it's this one:
(Trouble in Utopia)
@[email protected]
Robert Hughes's "The Shock of The New"
covered this remarkably well, (late 70s).
drew a direct (if you paid attn) line to the 3rd R's goals and this architecture.
(add (un)appropriate prefix as needed)
As a so-called 'ban cars' advocate;
I -wholly- get that private automobiles are a huge boon to folks who are severely otherwise challenged to get from where they are to where they want(need) to go.
by no means have I any -want nor desire- to throw obstructions in their way.
Rather, get rid of the obstructions presented by abled folks who just don't want to walk a few blocks, take up all the spaces, and such just because entitled.
@[email protected]
just a fwiw
there are some wild antenna farms way out in West Virginia
long wave stuff
@[email protected]